Submitted by PaleontologistDue401 t3_10gftu3 in tifu

Yesterday at my work I had a little situation with a guy who is supposed to be a group leader/a guy who is trying to keep everything in order hybrid. One of his responsibilities is to give different roles to different people (I work in a logistics company).

He put me on the hardest role on Monday and on Wednesday, which is the day that situation happened.

At work we have enough people to switch positions everyday for about two weeks without anybody being on same position twice. Yet I had to be on this particular position twice with one day between. In my opinion it’s not fair with the fact that I haven’t been on the easiest position in a veeery long time while everybody else was there once at least every week.

I mentioned it to the guy who gives roles but his response was “ok” with a smile on his face. I just went with the hardest position because why should I start a fight or something. After work was done I was ordered to do one more thing to which I responded by saying to this guy that he should help me just because, I was angry. I came closer to him and grabbed his arm not in a aggressive way, more like dance/leading way.

He said that it is not his responsibility and he won’t do this so I just went and did it myself.

The following day (today) I was told I will have a meeting with this guy and the boss. On the meeting I had to explain what happened but before I even started, I was handed a document where it said that “I refused orders that the group leader gave me” and I had to explain why I did this. I wrote something like this “I was on this position both on Monday and on Wednesday which resulted in me having back pain today.” And then I was told to sign the document I everything is okay. And here is the fuckup. I did sign it. After I signed it, it came to me that those accusations weren’t true and I signed something I didn’t do and now I have a warning and a step closer to being fired.

I am young, straight out of school and there are things that I don’t understand how they work, it’s one of those things.

TLDR: Title



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Galkura t1_j52j67x wrote

I know it’s easier to say than do, but don’t stress it.

I’m in my late 20s, and it took me until a couple years ago to stop stressing this sort of stuff.

Best thing you can do is keep your head down, stay quiet, and start looking for a different job.

Your supervisor sounds like a tool who wants to flex his power some, judging by how he jumped straight to a write up. Those kinds of situations will only get worse.

I will offer a word of advice though: Sometimes things aren’t going to be fair, and you may get stuck on a station at work a couple times before rotating. Unless it becomes a constant issue, just roll with it and document it.

It could have simply been a mistake, and your (self-admitted) anger at the end when asked to do something simple could have been taken poorly and as an initial refusal, whether it was or not.

I’ve found that just smiling, saying yes, and looking for a new job when shit starts to stink has been the best way to go.


NeedsMaintenance_ t1_j530fx4 wrote

You do seem young.

You're going to get shit assignments, especially if you're lower in seniority, and you're going to get them often.

It's not fair, I guess, but it's generally how things work; I've never been in a work place where that hasn't been true.

Part of how you get better assignments is, yes wait to gain some seniority, but also to just do the work without complaining.

A lot of managers also (rightfully imo) operate under the belief that if a worker can't handle the worst assignments (which still need to be done), then why should they get the best ones?

And sometimes shit just isn't fair. There could be reasons you don't know about as to why you got assigned the crappy job twice in a row, suck it up. If it becomes an ongoing problem for a longer time then you've maybe got an argument for being picked on. As far as I'm concerned, you're being silly right now.

Attitude gets noticed at work, and you often get treated accordingly. Try growing up a little, maybe you'll start seeing a change in how things are for you in the workplace.

Your FU wasn't signing the thing, it was having a shitty attitude.


PaleontologistDue401 OP t1_j538949 wrote

Except that I am no longer a newbie in this job. I am a part of the team. I can do both the “senior” assignments and “newbie” assignments. Everyone can do those even those who work tens of years there. Everyone at my job has the same contract and I see that it is true but I am the only one who always says yes to all the assignments and always gets moved midday to a different assignment even though we should have only one position a day.

I politely asked if I could be on a different position which I have been on before but it was a few weeks ago while others were there at least once in a week/two weeks. That is when I got the smile and simple “ok” as if “okay, I don’t care” as a response.

I believe that I am the one that is not being taken seriously even though I can be on almost every position and I am being used.

My fuck up is not my attitude but the fact that I did sign the document that accused me of something I didn’t do. It looked like it but it wasn’t true. It was just the “team leader” who saw it his way and my lack of experience in such situations made me just shut up about how I saw it and just sign it.

This guy isn’t much older than me, it doesn’t mean I don’t respect him because I do.

I always listen to him and I do everything as good as it is possible but sometimes he’s being childish and want you to know that he rules the place. He has the power, he really does but sometimes he uses it not as it was intended but for his own pleasure.


Malfunctioning_npc69 t1_j53fsvo wrote

HAHAHAHAHA omg look at the little girl learning that the world isn't fair and she isn't the main character hahahaha

Maybe next time you'll think twice about grabbing someone in a threatening manor.

Despite what society has taught you, that gash in between your legs doesnt give you the right to touch people who don't want to be touched.


PaleontologistDue401 OP t1_j53hnno wrote

Me touching him wasn’t the problem, nobody ever mentioned it, he does often comes to me and pokes me with his fingers in my stomach or back. It was no threatening, nobody saw it that way except you who read it wrong. If me grabbing the guy was the problem then I think it might’ve been much worse for me than a warning, I would possibly be fired right away and police would be called on me but it isn’t the case.

The reason of the whole situation was me “refusing” to do what I was told which I never refused to do. Nobody is the main character here, we are all equal and higher positions doesn’t give you right to treat people like shit for your own pleasure.

If you think that it is okay then sure go with it, because you’re no main character and anybody can do anything to you without you getting a chance to say anything against it.


Malfunctioning_npc69 t1_j53lr36 wrote

Oh I'm sorry I figured you already accepted the fact that your attitude is piss poor. I guess you haven't gotten there yet. It's ok OP one day you'll grow up (hopefully).... if not, I see a lot of job hoping in your future.

I find it hilarious that everyone who has commented on here has told you the same thing and you still won't accept reality.

Have a nice life op, I don't argue with stupid


NeedsMaintenance_ t1_j54ogl3 wrote

Sorry, you just seem childish to me; nothing in your reply to me has changed my mind.

He said something that sounded like "I don't care" probably because he doesn't.

He doesn't have to, either. It isn't his job to manage your feelings, he manages the people that work for your company.

>I believe that I am the one that is not being taken seriously even though I can be on almost every position and I am being used.

Most people feel that way, which is why that other commenter accused you of main character syndrome. I'd love for my employer to give me choicier assignments and take me more seriously than they do. But that shit is earned, not entitled. The sooner you accept that, the happier you will be.

And yes you are being used, that's how employment works. The exchange is your time for whatever paid compensation you and your employer agreed to. As long as the employer is paying you, they get to use you for the time that's on your contract.

Unless you have legitimate medical reasons for not doing a task, any request you make for a different task is just that - a request; one they're entitled to decline.

Your only other option is to quit and maybe you can find a job that suits you, but you're being silly with all your moaning.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j53n17y wrote

> we have enough people to switch positions everyday for about two weeks without anybody being on the same position twice

This is also true in the porn industry


RRoyale57 t1_j56dwb4 wrote

Did you not read what you were signing?