Submitted by [deleted] t3_10jkkqv in tifu

When I first started secondary school in Britain, I’m from the uk it’s a normal thing for the yr7s to get bullied it’s almost expected. When my mam sent me off to school the first day she asked me if I was wearing knickers and I said yeah what are you on about mum and she says your are likely to get a few wedgies today. And I said to her what? What’s a wedgie? And I kid you not she was like are you joking and I was like no she started laughing and said oh love be sure to ask a yr9 that today and sent me off. By the end of the day it was bugging me so I ended up asking this group of girls what it was at break. Oh was I in for it … my mam was in stitches laughing when I came home and told her. It happened several times after that cause once it happens once it tends to happen after that. I realize now how stupid it was to ask I honesty deserved it I mean who asked that lol But ya I’ve been a frequent target since then. My mam was joking she didn’t expect me to actually ask and little did I know it was going to be a yr9 Tl;dr accidentally got myself bullied the beginning day of secondary school cause I was a muppet should have used google



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