Submitted by alt0bs t3_10btpxh in tifu

So I subscribe to a wine delivery service, basically I put $20 away every month and about once a year I order a case of wine. Well today was the day I received my wine wooo. I had gotten a bottle of champagne in the case and was feeling celebratory/ have orange juice in the fridge so I figured let’s mimosa. Well I really only wanted one so I grabbed a wine stopper and attempted to store the bottle in my fridge. I tried to put it on multiple shelves and the door but it didn’t fit. Eventually I decided no big deal I’ll just put it laying down and it will be fine. Welp I lay it down and turn around to talk to my child turn back around to grab ingredients for his second breakfast and boom champagne blast to the face. Moral of the story don’t store champagne sideways. I’m an idiot I know. Now it’s in a bucket of ice on the counter and I’m not sure what to do because I have no desire to be drunk during the middle of the day but also do not want to waste a whole bottle of bubbly. Sighs glad I had eye drops on hand. Maybe I can bake a champagne cake? Who knows.

Tl:dr blasted in face with champagne from improper storage. Stuck with an opened bottle of champagne that’s I don’t know what to do with.



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Nyawk t1_j4c8e8z wrote

LPT: Avoid this by always finishing the whole bottle at once. HIC!


Kithesile t1_j4egqfj wrote

"And so you just finished off the bottle?"

"Well I had to. It's vodka, you know. It goes bad once it's opened."

"I think that's another one of mom's little fibs. You know, like, I'll sacrifice anything for my children."


[deleted] t1_j4dfkz0 wrote



NatiTrouble t1_j4g5roh wrote

Go back to Twitter


pirhanaconda t1_j4g995m wrote

Uh, the fuck does "ratio lmao" even mean?


Binger_bingleberry t1_j4ha2wi wrote

The comment is getting more upvotes than the original post… meaning the comment has a higher ratio of upvotes, compared to the original post


cupcakesnsarcasm t1_j4cm921 wrote

Champagne cupcakes are delicious - I bake them for special occasions, and even use bubbly in the buttercream. Tons of recipes online!


alt0bs OP t1_j4cstd7 wrote

Ooo that does sound yummy! I’ll have to look into it because the bottle is just sitting on ice lol. Ooof yea definitely the way to go.


cupcakesnsarcasm t1_j4cvway wrote

Make a batch, eat what you want, freeze the rest. Take out 1-2 at a time for a treat! Cupcakes thaw quickly so they make a great freezer item.


alt0bs OP t1_j4d2p6k wrote

Beautiful! I’ll have to add them to my frozen cinnamon roll stash


robzsilver t1_j4gghsa wrote

Username checks out. But also damn, ty for the great idea!


cupcakesnsarcasm t1_j4hbma7 wrote

Lol I am a master of finding ways to bake with items I need to use up. Currently baking apple pie cookie bars with apples that got too soft.


zorggalacticus t1_j4d1qfz wrote

Second breakfast? Seems things are going well down at the shire, other than the whole champagne mishap. Give my regards to Gandalf whenever you see him next.


ConvivialKat t1_j4d2fvx wrote

Buy yourself a champagne stopper. They clamp on to the rim of the bottle and are pretty strong. Also, find a place to store your champers "partially upright" (leaning a bit is OK) in the fridge.


alt0bs OP t1_j4d2mwh wrote

The item I never knew I needed! Thanks


ConvivialKat t1_j4d5gvw wrote

My second recommendation is to try PEACH NECTAR instead of OJ. It's called a BELLINI, and it will rock your world! Lol!


alt0bs OP t1_j4dg4t5 wrote

Ooofff will have to try pretty sure you’ve altered the quality of my life substantially haha! Thanks :))


IntroductionFluffy71 t1_j4ehhi0 wrote

Bellini is superior to Mimosa, in my opinion, but i’m not picky. 🤣 the Cipriani brand (teal bottle) is my jam. if you live anywhere near a Wegmans, they have it in the dessert wine section.


IntroductionFluffy71 t1_j4eh3vt wrote

i try to have at least one bottle of Cipriani Bellini in the fridge at all times. usually have 2–4 at a time. 🤣 and then i have Bellini Sundays. 😉


Ok_Rhubarb7652 t1_j4ccirh wrote

You can freeze it with some juice and a grown up slushy. Just keep raking a fork over it every hour or so to keep breaking up the ice.


Reddit-username_here t1_j4c64i3 wrote

>my child turn back around to grab ingredients for his second breakfast

Why 2 breakfasts?


alt0bs OP t1_j4c6oft wrote

Idk he’s 2 - we had chocolate waffles for breakfast and he ate it all. I’m storing the champagne he says he wants eggs. The first breakfast was unhealthy but I’m having a mimosa Lmao so why not have a luxurious morning. He wanted protein packed food I’m not going to argue. Sometimes he won’t eat breakfast at all so I’m just happy he’s eating.


Reddit-username_here t1_j4c82yu wrote

Ahh. You said it as if it was an every day thing. So I was curious.


alt0bs OP t1_j4csoiq wrote

Fair I did type it in an obscure way. Man I wish o had two breakfasts daily lmao. If I eat breakfast food for dinner does that count as 2 breakfasts??


CMJJ117 t1_j4d3pfr wrote

…I think you missed the actual lesson here. It’s not to not store it sideways but to use a proper stopper.


alt0bs OP t1_j4dge9v wrote

This is fair. Before today I would have cheeped out and said but I have a stopped why waste money on a niche product… clearly the correct stopper would have been a valuable investment


Ben_Thar t1_j4c4er9 wrote

I hate it when that happens


roxinmyhead t1_j4cunca wrote

Stephen Colbert had a hilarious intrrview with Tom Hanks this week where Tom introduced him to the concept of Diet Cole and champagne. Colbert said it was wierdly delicious and might ultimately prove to be his downfall. Google Colbert Diet Cokagne


alt0bs OP t1_j4e4mga wrote

Will do but that sounds so odd haha


roxinmyhead t1_j4eohl6 wrote

Which is exactly what Hanks family thought apparently and what Colbert thought.... it's just a funny story


davidbates t1_j4enh7w wrote

What about third breakfast?


nzbelllydancer t1_j4e0m90 wrote

Campaign baking is nice, bottle best stored in fridge door upright standing position though


LetsJustSetItOnFire t1_j4f27rw wrote

Honestly, glad you're okay, jokingly I've heard of worst things to get blasted in the face with.gif


errr_lusto t1_j4f3f0x wrote

I thought you were supposed to store champagne sideways because it’s bad to let the cork get dry?


throwawaysbacct1 t1_j4g5c59 wrote

I learned this the hard way walking with it in a bag in nyc … cork went up , we laughed and kept it moving

I swear some kids around us thought we had a fun or something with the noise it made & stared.


dualwield42 t1_j4dcs00 wrote

Admin he's doing it sideways


itsoceanmanYT t1_j4e0fnw wrote

Lol drink it


alt0bs OP t1_j4e4qz6 wrote

I would have passed out and woken up to my child doing who knows god what - back in the day that would have been the solution though


ChimoEngr t1_j4e93uj wrote

Storing it on its side is fine. Storing it with a normal wine stopper is not. You need one that is designed to hold the pressure in by gripping the ridges at the top of the bottle.


IntroductionFluffy71 t1_j4ehuc6 wrote

bubbly/sparkling should be stored upright in the long term. storing on its side will turn it flat. i found this out first-hand. 🤦🏻‍♀️


dukeofurl01 t1_j4f7xah wrote

That's why champagne bottles hold the cork in with wire when they're new


O_Ammi_G t1_j4gm2lk wrote

Invest in a champagne stopper. It clamps down on the ridge at the top. Works great.