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kwyl t1_j6ngdoo wrote

This is so stupid.


FlyGuy_2000 t1_j6ngdum wrote

Couldn't make out 50% of what you said, but it's a SCAM. Tell them you will contact vice if they keep harassing you.


thehotmcpoyle t1_j6nq2o1 wrote

It’s a scam. Stuff like this gets posted daily at r/scams & r/sextortion. They’re probably not in the US so a lawyer won’t be able to do anything (also, what both of you are trying to do is illegal in most of the US, if that’s where you are, so either of you getting a lawyer is ridiculous). They’re also not going to call the police because they are trying to blackmail you. None of that even makes sense. Block these people & remember to think with your brain & only your brain.

Now that you’ve shared that you’ve given money to scammers, recovery scammers may reach out to you telling you they can get your money back for a fee, but they are also trying to scam you.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j6pgc5w wrote

This doesn’t sound like a lot of money is involved so if the scammer wants to take you to small claims court, let him. Then when you show up, say, “Small claims? Obviously not for me!” Then unzip,and show everyone your big claim. And then everyone will clap