Submitted by Dry-Ad-9428 t3_1016nxo in tifu

I know, title sounds stupid as fuck on its own and trust me, it's not going to get any better. I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years, she has gained contact again with her childhood friend after a couple of years because they had a fight years prior, and she had another friend. We're in a groupchat and my girlfriend and I say we're married (keep this is mind). she had a platonic marriage as well which has happened just a few months ago (mind you we are from 16-18 years old so no, nothing here is literally)

My girlfriend was joking about cheating on me, with her platonic marriage, I said I already knew about her affair and we all made this a very dramatic joke. She invited her childhood friend to the group chat and we started talking. It got to the point where we mentioned the marriages and the whole joke, it all grew chaotic and I jokingly said, "I guess I'm the side hoe?" and things just got worse. I honestly wish I kept quiet because for the past 2 months now I have been having my insecurities return.

This isn't relevant to the story but it explains my insecurities:: during middle school, I dated a guy, I liked him and I thought he likes me, he would compare me to other people and in the end I found out he has liked a mutual friend of ours from the start of our relationship, not only that but he would always say I wasn't enough, even though I broke up with him multiple times. he would assume we were still dating. when he finally cut things off he said I was nothing more than a mere test, see how things go. So now I worry about not being good enough for my partner.

My girlfriend has reassured me time and time again that she loves me, she has made me feel genuinely loved, and I feel special for once. Now back to this, because of all the joking, her childhood friend said he is the main because they've known each other longer, her most recent friend says she's the main lover because they get along well. in my head I just said, Childhood friend is main, new-is friend is side hoe and I'm just the throw away hoe. I wanted to say it to laugh along and keep with the jokes but even just the thought of it hurt and now I lay here in bed crying my eyes out like a baby.

I started this and now here I am crying. I was able to get over my insecurities earlier, but they've returned and I also have no clue what to do, and I honestly hate it so fucking much because it just hurts. It's returned to the point I have dreams of her cheating me on, dreams of her saying I was never enough, etc.

TLDR: girlfriend has a platonic relationship with her childhood friend and the idea of figuring out who's the main hoe and the side hoe has gotten out of hand. Insecurities about not being a good enough partner are returning and getting worse by the day.

update: I told her about it, she understood and we talked it out for a bit. She told me I have nothing to worry about and that no matter what I'm special to her, as friends and partners. I'm glad this was talked about easily, thank you for telling me that I should just straight up tell her. much appreciated!



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womaneatingsomecake t1_j2lvw9w wrote

Honestly, just tell her about it. And stop joking around about it. I personally don't find "cheating humour" funny.


Dry-Ad-9428 OP t1_j2lw4yj wrote

I have once, didn't go well, but I might try again, I just don't want to cause the same as a previous incident


womaneatingsomecake t1_j2lw7hb wrote

Just tell your gf. "sorry, but my ex cheated on me, so it's hard for me to joke about"


OGmcqueen t1_j2lvr63 wrote

Yo… that shit sucks, I have the same sorta insecurities and my gf actually takes them seriously.


Dry-Ad-9428 OP t1_j2lw2sa wrote

My girlfriend acknowledges them, last time I brought it up cause of something she and childhood friend were doing she brought him into it and he said he was her boyfriend and I just remember crying for the weekend lol


Lined_the_Street t1_j2m94wq wrote

That isn't even really acknowledging your insecurity. If anything that is using them against you for your own entertainment

This is hard to hear at that age, but I wish someone had asked me this. Are you sure you really want to be with her? And none of the easy "I love her" excuse. My opinion, genuinely sit down by yourself and reflect on how she makes you feel. Do you find it easy to be around her? Who is putting the work in to make the relationship succeed? Is it worth it mentally and emotionally to be with her?


Dry-Ad-9428 OP t1_j2ncda1 wrote

I enjoy being with her, I do find it easy, but the thing is early on in the relationship I never mentioned any of these issues and I guess she jokes about them because I started mentioning them when she got into contact with her childhood friend again. The only reason why I told her was because I wanted her to know that I felt safe telling her, she knows a lot about my past now, and she knows when too much is too much. Though usually ends up with her getting upset cause she thinks I don't fully trust her due to my insecurities. We both put in the effort and we always joke around with each other, usually avoiding topics that we can't handle, but she's started joking about this kind of stuff when I told her I was ok with it due to finally getting over my insecurities. She doesn't know they have returned in the past month

the events that occurred with the childhood friend saying he was her boyfriend was because we were on a break and she wanted someone to play the role to feel safe at school (we don't attend the same ones) and because I was bringing it up she automatically went to him for help and it happened, he didn't know we were dating again.


OffusMax t1_j2q9wnk wrote

OP, the solution to 99%+ of relationship problems is communication. Unless you can read minds, the only way to know what another person is thinking is to ask.

I’m glad you took the time to talk to your girlfriend and you are feeling better. Remember this lesson in the future.


Vivid-Discount-2804 t1_j2qjd03 wrote

I read some of the comment and dude HAHAH your fucking stupid

Like how tf does your girlfriend go ask someone else to date her and then the mf she wants to protect her not know about you immidtely from the get go.

Your insecurities are valid but have some self respect she needs to put distance between her and the man that's very obviously flirting with her

Her reassure don't mean shit

Shouldn't be doing that shit in the first place and sure ASF shouldn't CONTUIE that close of a relationship with some other man when it's so clear he wants to fuck her

Plotonic friends don't joke about sleeping together being In a relationship or so on

You need therapy for your self esteem and you need to break up or set super Clear fucking boundaries beacuse WTF

Pls pls just for the love of gods ask anyone out there if what you said in the comments and in this post is NORMLA in a relationship

IM BEGGIN pls just do

It's not normal dude at all and it ain't normal the dude keeps saying she's his bitch not yours 💀