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RiddledWithEnigma t1_j6dc32o wrote

<people who watch porn for le sexy time>

<people who watch porn for the plot>

OP: I watch porn to preserve the history of music.


ironroad18 t1_j6e67ow wrote

Op is the Ken Burns of porno.


lpbale0 t1_j6ge717 wrote

OP might have a porno of Ken Burns


ironroad18 t1_j6gj27k wrote

in Morgan Freeman voice Background music

"In 1992, two rapping kids convinced everyone to wear their pants backwards. A young Maccauly Culkin, was lost again, this time in New York. American's jazzy new president was an avid saxophone player. The home video rental market had its peak year. And Ken Burns railed two horny broads, over the side of a busted Civil War cannon..."