Submitted by Sangwooscvmsock t3_10l5o9e in tifu

A little backstory to get you guys started.

This is the second time I’m dating my bf. The reason we broke up was because of me I’ll be honest. I was having a lot of mental issues at the time so I thought it was best for him to not be in my life so I didn’t bring him down with me. Sweet guy who didn’t deserve it.

The guy friends in the story were there for me along with my bsf (female). Granted it was my fault we broke up we rekindled and I was in a better mental state and it’s only gotten better since.

Now we skip to this incident. My bf wanted to meet my friends and I was scared to say the least. My friend group is a big mix of country to city. We decided to go to Riley’s place (fake name) stereotypical country guy who lives with his gf. Not many people around blah blah. Most of my friends went so total abt 13 ppl.

Now here’s where I messed up. Everyone was getting drunk and I just wanted to go home. Him and Riley bonded really well which I’m more then happy about. I didn’t want to ruin my bfs fun so I had my bsf drive me home with Riley’s gf so the boys could have their own night while the girls had our own. My bf would come home in the morning when he’s sober. Fine right? No. Big mistake.

His dumbass got too drunk with Riley. They decided to BRAND THEIR GFS NAMES ROGHY OVER THEIR JUNK. Me and Jess (Riley’s gf fake name) weren’t paying attention to our phone because we were watching the new junji ito thing on Netflix. After we got done with that we see loads of missed snaps and calls.

At first it was just snaps of them being drunken idiots. They just having their fun and what not. We were having our own little laugh at them watching them. Only to see the snap of them branding eachother.

The look me and Jess gave eachother was why did we leave them alone. Two irresponsible men alone with more drunken idiots.

I had Phoenix drive our asses back to Riley’s and Jess fully unloaded on Riley. Before I could unload on my bf he lifts up his shirt and goes “Do you like it?” I just stared at him for a good few minutes and I just asked why he did that.

Turns out there was some wholesome intention behind it. Knowing I had trust issues cause of exs fucking me over and him wanting to show me that he’s not like that and that he’s in it for the long run. I’m in a mix between pissed and happy. I just hope it’s a blurry name when it heals. Just out of guilt for not being there to stop him from mutilating himself like that.

I love him but it’s a bit much for me to wrap my head around.

TL;DR Left bf alone. Him and his new bud branded their gfs names on themselves. Including my name



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MoistButton8 t1_j5urtdk wrote

Was expecting way worse, got a great laugh! Stupid, but endearing.


axioner t1_j5usww1 wrote

Honestly, this is more of a "yourBFfu" while drunk.


Sangwooscvmsock OP t1_j5ut3rx wrote

True but I take a little blame fully knowing he’s a complete idiot when drunk


DrunkenOlympian t1_j5uwwij wrote

He needs a partner, not a supervisor. Not your fu.

You can be pissed, but you should have no more say about what he does to his own body than he has say about what you do to yours.

Calling something he did your fuckup because you weren't there to stop him doesn't sound like the right beginning to any mutually respectful relationship.


Sangwooscvmsock OP t1_j5ux6hl wrote

Don’t worry I don’t see him like I’m his supervisor. It’s always an equal thing with me and him. If anything he’s “supervising” me. Could be my bad English as wel


axioner t1_j5uwflx wrote

So more of a "tifu by dating a drunken idiot" story 😉


Sangwooscvmsock OP t1_j5uwt7u wrote

Yeah but I love my drunken idiot. Even tho he’s an idiot he’s still my idiot


axioner t1_j5vnum6 wrote

Hey, don't get me wrong. My wife married an idiot too.


Big-Maintenance-109 t1_j5vi9e8 wrote

Can’t imagine what branding smells like, also wondering how long your name is lol


Sangwooscvmsock OP t1_j5vpcs1 wrote

It’s only 6 letters but he got the full whole government name on him. Branded three times he’s a menace to society at this point


Big-Maintenance-109 t1_j5vrnc8 wrote

Man truly gives 0 fucks lol make sure he’s cleaning that flesh wound 😂


Sangwooscvmsock OP t1_j5vsla7 wrote

It’s what I’ve been doing trust me. I’ve been taking care of that burn every 2 hours. Even have an alarm at night for it. He’s just a bit extra I guess 😂


joos1986 t1_j5xtlai wrote

The 'whole government name' 😂😂

That is hilarious


GroverFC t1_j5v7t4v wrote

Moral of the story: Boys are dum and he clearly loves you.


[deleted] t1_j5ybaov wrote

That all?

Thought there was bad talk about you or something but only your name in his privates...who cares i would laugh about it


Sangwooscvmsock OP t1_j6049kb wrote

It’s the fact that it would be there forever. Plus we haven’t been dating long. Like 4 months but before the breakup it was 8 so total a bit over a year


waterbreaker99 t1_j5wflsd wrote

Ouch. I can't really blame you though, him I wish good lucks with the burns and especially good luck if he ever has to explain it to anyone else


NIN-pig t1_j5wy3eu wrote

Adorable and idiotic , the best mix possible when it comes to love haha


WarXMT t1_j5z6rp8 wrote

When you say junk... are you referring to his little friend(I don't want to go into the merit of size)?


XxFrostxX t1_j5v4u88 wrote

I feel like there's gunna be a follow up when you leave him


Sangwooscvmsock OP t1_j5vcphx wrote

That’s if I do but I doubt I will tbh. I honestly haven’t been this happy in years. I have the most loving man ever. He’s funny, smart, caring, most loving person I’ve ever met as well. He’s filled with ambition and he’s very optimistic. Think golden retriever personality type.


XxFrostxX t1_j5vdaxv wrote

Well that's good sometimes girls jump ship when a guy is this committed


Sangwooscvmsock OP t1_j5vf407 wrote

I’m not gonna jump ship any time don’t worry! I’m finally treated right I am not going no where 😂