Submitted by new-nomad t3_10mr6cs in tifu

Including >$100,000 in art and high end furnishings, invaluable mementos such as all existing photos of my dead parents, and a bunch of my friend's belongings (about to text him).

For months I’ve been dealing with severe depression and anxiety, ignoring most emails and all phone calls (and my voicemail is full). Along with ignoring physical mail, as I’m living alone abroad to save money and not having mail forwarded.

The storage company sent only one email about the auction, with the subject line only referring to “account status.” They continued to send past-due emails, none of which mentioned the auction, giving the impression my belongings were not yet in danger.

But, yes, I accept the responsibility. That’s what TIFU is about.

I found out about an hour ago and am still numb.

TL;DR: I didn’t pay close enough attention to past-due notices and lost everything to a storage auction.



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Cheftyler1980 t1_j64nnpa wrote

That’s a large FU no doubt, but a heck of a learning experience.


I_H8_2_love_U_4_ever t1_j64onnv wrote

I hate getting behind on the mail. It doesn't take long, and then you've got an overwhelming amount.


HG_Shurtugal t1_j64pf6k wrote

It has to be possible to get in touch with the guy who bought the items. He would most likely give you back the photos of your parents since that doest hold any monetary value. Also depending on what your friend had in thier it could be possible to get those back too. Of course this all depends on who bought the units items and how kind he is.


new-nomad OP t1_j64q0uk wrote

Working on that but it doesn’t sound like they’re willing to tell me who it was. I found a couple of my more valuable items listed on and sent a note to the seller. I suspect items were wholesaled to various buyers. The auction ended 5 weeks ago and I’d expect everything without resale value is already trashed.


-holdmyhand t1_j64rcys wrote

Dude, this is absolutely top tier fucked up. gif


blahbleh112233 t1_j652h1d wrote

They won't for liability reasons. Not saying you're crazy but most locker auctions are from hoarders and are junk. But the hoarders are emotionally attached to their junk.

Sorry to hear that OP


Logizyme t1_j657f0v wrote

It is law in most places that sentimental and non-valueable personal items be returned to the storage unit management.

Things like bills, mail, photos, legally, all must returned, and you can collect them.

This doesn't help with the valuable art or furniture, but at least you should be able to recoup your sentimental stuff like the photos.

PLEASE reach out to the storage and let them know there are those things in the unit. They can relay that info to the buyer, and they can set your stuff aside for you to collect.


MistaMugoo t1_j65m5tw wrote

As a property manager of a storage facility, we have automated systems that call and leave messages on phone, text, and e-mail every day,”and at least personally call once a week, for all tenants who are not current with their bill. A unit goes to auction after three months of nonpayment. With all of that, we still have auctions every month constantly. Why I bring this up, is the simple fact that a-lot of people want to be mad at the storage facility for selling their stuff, and don’t take responsibility for their own actions. OP I’m so sorry you are dealing with this depression that kept you from facing life’s responsibilities, but good for you for remembering that it was your tifu and not trying to advert blame. It shows good character, and with that mentality you can bounce back and make sure you never make a mistake like this again!