Submitted by EmmaRose49270 t3_10bl5sn in tifu

It’s almost 5 o’clock in the morning and this just happened. This whole situation is so stupid but everyone I know is asleep so I’m sharing this to Reddit instead.

We get stink bugs in my house occasionally. Whenever I see any kind of bug in my house I just leave the room and wait for them to go away. This is because I have a somewhat irrational fear of insects that I’m pretty embarrassed of.

For reference, one morning a few years ago there was a stinkbug sitting on my backpack strap and I touched it without realizing it was there. I dropped my backpack immediately and almost cried. I washed my hands several times because the texture of the bug freaked me out.

Fast forward to today, I had seen a stinkbug in my room earlier so I did my normal routine of ignoring it until it went away. Before I went to bed I left a cup with a lid and a straw on the table next to me.

I’m sure you can see where this is going.

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to take a sip of water. Somehow a stinkbug was sitting on the straw and I didn’t see it. I felt the dry, scratchy texture on my tongue for a split second before spitting it out.

I still didn’t understand what happened until I saw the bug, still alive, squirming around on my carpet. I almost threw up right there.

My mouth tasted like dumpster juice. I brushed my teeth for several minutes to get the taste out.

I’m standing in my bathroom still shaking about this while writing. I feel really dumb for being so affected by it but I don’t think I’m going to be able to get back to sleep.

I’m really lucky I didn’t accidentally crush the bug in my mouth.

TL;DR - I ignored a stink bug in my room. Later that night I went to take a sip of water in the dark after a bug somehow ended up on my straw. Now my mouth tastes like rotting garbage and I can’t sleep.



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StudioKey7462 t1_j4ase1h wrote

You made me chech my water cup to see if it's filled with discusting instects


Cumberbatchland t1_j4arsox wrote

I don't know where you live, but is there a chance that you (or someone else) can stop Stinkbug from appearing in your home ?


EmmaRose49270 OP t1_j4as0e1 wrote

I still live with my parents. I should bring it up to them though.


ArbutusPhD t1_j4bkj5p wrote

Also, there is a good chance you can stop drinking dumpster juice. If it was a one time thing, that’s cool. Everyone gets curious.


EmmaRose49270 OP t1_j4d2zev wrote

It’s refreshing >:(


ArbutusPhD t1_j4d5roo wrote

Always or only on hot, summer days? I gotta try some. Also, whose your dumpster juice connection?


DiamondCherry956 t1_j4ayq3m wrote

Oh gosh that's horrible. I hope you can stop the stink bugs from coming back. Also, don't worry about your fear of bugs, it's very natural for people to have weird or irrational fears, and yours is no exception! In fact, it's not really uncommon to find people that are scared of bugs lol


vtupscalecpl t1_j4b4eoe wrote

Years ago at MILs house. I picked up what I thought was my glass of scotch. Turns out it was a glass of water that she had placed ticks in that she had pulled off the dogs. My first hint was a bit of dog hair.


littlebitsofspider t1_j4b0i44 wrote

A similar scenario is why I have this username. feelsbadman.jpg


NOT000 t1_j4bcegj wrote

i used to drink out of a huge water container when i lived in a garage

i'd keep it by the bed and sip in the dark

one morning i woke up to find a dead cockroach floating in the water i;d been drinking

i am still uncertain if i drank cockroach water, but it sure seemed gross overall

which reminds me of the time i accidentally drank my own pee...


Vast_Reflection t1_j4c00im wrote

My ex did that. Peed in bottles then forgot/thought he still had apple juice


Inevitable-tragedy t1_j4bieh7 wrote

Water bottle dude, switch to a water bottle with screw cap. I don't have your irrational fear of simply touching bugs, but having live ones in my mouth is a huge no. I'd be throwing up too.


SignificanceNo4340 t1_j4axbyo wrote

I don’t care if spiders or bugs are around but they touch me and it’s done for


morbideve t1_j4bhavy wrote

Oh dw you are not too sensitive about it - I would have reacted the same if I had that thing in my mouth

Tbh I thought this would go the way "Wanted to drink water and grabbed mouldy ice tea instead", bc that happened a few times to me lol


[deleted] t1_j4bq76l wrote



chathamsapphire t1_j4coc04 wrote

Same. When we first moved into our house (built in the late 1920s), the windows didn’t have screens, and it was mid-summer so the stinkies hadn’t been around. We’d left the windows open through September. That was when I discovered that they had infested my bedroom. They were in my dresser drawers. My purse. Covering my curtains. IN MY FUCKING BED. I put on a pair of pants and one was in the pantleg and I didn’t realize until I felt it squirming. My husband had to stop me from purchasing a flamethrower and burning it all down.


Shymaiden t1_j4b1vlw wrote

Yep. This is why the cup of water next to me doesn't get drank after I've fallen asleep for awhile. If a half melted ice cube is still in it, then I know it hasn't been long and I may drink it. I check it throughly though. Read too many TIFUs like this.

Edit: Thought the lid and the straw would be enough though. You poor thing. 🤢


ela6532 t1_j4b5bsg wrote

I did this last summer. A fly had crawled into my tumbler straw and I had the misfortune of taking a sip. Same experience, it was still alive and everything. Took a while to trust a straw again.


NarciBunneh t1_j4bhydb wrote

I too suffer from an irrational fear of insects. It's not as bad as it used to be. We get wood bees on our porch every year. They're just everywhere but they keep the wasps away so it's not a terrible thing to have them around.

The first year they came around though, my anxiety was so bad I could not walk through them by myself. One day they were swarming so bad I sat at the bottom of my porch steps in tears until my husband got home and could help me into the house.

It's been a few years now , the bees do not bother me anymore.


Psychological_Rip547 t1_j4bhmva wrote

Better start checking your shoes for spiders and stinkbugs when you put them on . . . 🤣


vanilla2gorilla t1_j4cwk91 wrote

Get a small handheld vacuum, letting the bugs go away on their own doesn't solve your fear of them if they can just come back, if you can dispose of them it'll be less likely for this to happen again. Hand held vacuum let's you get rid of them without getting too close.

I have firewood inside for the wood stove, super handy for little bugs.


Guilty_Basis_1043 t1_j4aza9u wrote

omg. i understand how u feel. abour the fear of bugs, i have the biggest fear of cockroaches. i scream (literally) and run away the moment i see one and will not enter the room for awhile. once a cockroach appeared next to me on my bed and i didnt sleep for the whole night after that (i moved to my dads room and slept there). im sorry this happened to you!!! you’ll eventually get over it 🥰


ramenramenramen__ t1_j4bgrmk wrote

i dont think being scared of bugs is something to be embarrassed of since im absolutely terrified of them myself. even tho my dad says theyre harmless theyre just plain disgusting nd theres nothing else to them but i felt so bad reading this TTDTT hope you can get over it 😔


dogsonoverhere t1_j4bohkv wrote

I'm the same way with roaches so I feel for you. I would cry if that happened to me. There was one time I saw a baby roach on the outside of my straw (I left my drink sitting on the counter overnight)... Now I don't leave my drinks out. That was enough of a close call for me lol


Financial_Change_601 t1_j4d4o3k wrote

Last winter when it was still warm enough for yellowjackets to be out roaming for sugar I left my monster on top of my car, when I went to leave I didn't think anything of it and took a big ol swig of yellowjacket and monster. Managed to spit it out without getting stung but I quickly realized they get desperate for sugar really fast


eggsy_is_cute t1_j4d93if wrote

I have the same fear, no need to be embarassed about it


OhBoo_FuckingHoo t1_j4ehdbr wrote

Ugh! IDK what the deal is. But I have had TONS of stink bugs in my house this year. I have lived in the same house for 28 years, and never had this problem until recently.


Setthegodofchaos t1_j4jnc3u wrote

Aaaand that's enough water before my blood draw tomorrow morning