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olduvai_man t1_j5i3x1d wrote

WTF, how are you coming across the same way in the retelling as you do during the incident? I've got a permanently disabled kid, and you can't possibly fathom the heartache and loss that someone in this position is going through.

The reason she is even reaching out to you is likely because she is trying to maintain a social life and personality of her own because being a parent of a child with needs takes over your life and erases your identity.

The fact that you thought it would be appropriate to ridicule this kid, and find a way to insult her with your "apartment warming" quip in this post, speaks volumes about you as a person.

You sound like a terrible human being.


ThaumKitten t1_j5kmi1k wrote

Can attest to the middle paragraph. I'm 25 years old; disabled child (in so far as relation, not necessarily mentally or age-wise) this entire time and my mother was the one that took charge.

Now, after 25 years, things are /actually slowing down/, I'm stabilized, and we're finally able to start relaxing and for once, only a single appointment in this entire year is scheduled.

We're flummoxed. Our entire identities have been about taking care of me. Now we're both sort of floundering and helplessly wondering 'Well what do we do now?' since we've never known a life beyond.. well, keeping me alive and healthy.


trying_productive OP t1_j5i5fs9 wrote

I know I’m trying to get my act together and my age excuses nothing. But tbh I didn’t think it was a such a big deal since she didn’t care. Your probably right though and I’ll apologize. I guess I don’t care because my family told me i did nothing wrong and she should’ve gave the kid up for adoption anyways. I don’t really know how Reddit works I just wanted to share the experience. Thanks for telling me your opinion I really needed this lol.


effitdoitlive t1_j5ipkn6 wrote

I think you meant to post this in the r/iamatotalpieceofshit sub.


trying_productive OP t1_j5kr9u6 wrote

Hey sorry I’m new to Reddit but all I see on that sub is like people stealing burgers maybe I need to look further.


BumpyNubbins t1_j5lbem9 wrote

New to punctuation, new to empathy, new to common decency. Lots of (eventual) firsts for you, I'm sure.


trying_productive OP t1_j5mljj8 wrote

This is off topic but are you like 50? Acronyms exist now. I don’t know I don’t rlly care abt punctuation when using Reddit.


starwhal3000 t1_j5ia879 wrote

I think we can hear why you are the way you are. I don't want this to come across too cruel, but I really hope that if you have children that you give them up for adoption as well. You'll ingrain into that child what your family has ingrained into you... please don't do that to the world, the future is going to be hard enough.


xXxZigixXx t1_j5iwnwx wrote

Who the fuck says “she should’ve just gave the kid up for adoption anyways” 👀 i just hope this is one of those bots on reddit cases


oldar4 t1_j5j44td wrote

"I really needed this lol " you should leave that woman's life, she deserves better than you. Even now you don't take it seriously. You did one of the most heartless things I can imagine and are still taking it lightly.


Frequent-Community-3 t1_j5iwqol wrote

Were you never taught to be kind and accepting of others despite any differences? I cannot fathom how a grown-ass person could laugh at a differently-abled child and then just laugh it off later, also. You are severely lacking in empathy and definitely not deserving of your friend's time and energy. I'm actually embarrassed for you, not them, though you certainly don't deserve the empathy you obviously can't show to others. You should be ashamed of yourself and begging HER forgiveness, not the other way around.


killakidz7 t1_j5jstcr wrote

You didn't think you making fun of her child was a big deal? She did care - she cried in front of you. What the hell? You have no sense of empathy and this line is particularly disgusting - "my family told me i did nothing wrong and she should've given the kid up for adoption". The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I suppose. Please - don't be friends with this person. They deserve better.


BonPeaceEtc t1_j5ijynu wrote

You should try to be better & more empathetic than your family then. Ask your friend to explain her experience with raising her child so you can better understand.


Kbearit t1_j5k1x28 wrote

This is sad and heartbreaking.

Seems the apple didn’t fall from the tree if you family sees nothing wrong with this. I really hope you put some though into who you are as a human being.


WhatANiceCerealBox11 t1_j5kvqyi wrote

What a completely garbage family you’re in. Having a child is a privilege and every child should be cherished. Giving a child up for adoption doesn’t fix anything. It’s not like the child stops existing. Giving up a child for adoption is an incredible difficult decision for anyone to make and the fact it’s said so blasé in your family shows the quality of character you guys have. Grow up and while you’re at it tell your parents to grow up


MEDICARE_FOR_ALL t1_j5kvyq3 wrote

You come off as even more of an ass in this post.

Do yourself a favor and get some empathy.


orchidlake t1_j5o60dy wrote

holy hell what kind of shit family did you grow up in? Laughing at another human being is a horrible thing to do, especially in front of them and their loved ones.
How is it your family's business to claim what she "should have done"? She should have abandoned the child? Sorry? So it can grow up abandoned and in isolation instead? Or so whoever else adopted it would be a saint that "shouldn't have adopted such a child"?

She made a choice to keep the child for a reason, and she's genuinely hurt about the struggle he'll have. She's a good person. She's right that your reaction was toxic; and that you decide you don't feel bad just because she made the choice to cut you out is also toxic. You should gain some maturity and acknowledge that you did something bad and she's in her full right to reject contact with you. You should be able to respect it without being vengeful (and now feeling right in your actions.). Your family might be assholes. Naturally assholes will support asshole behavior. It's an extremely toxic notion to talk down and tell someone what they "should have" done with their child. Gross.


Dead_Anarchy t1_j5olwrl wrote

Seems like the shit apple didn't fall far from the shit tree.


Devittraisedto2 t1_j5i0er6 wrote

She didn't overreact, she did the right thing

She shouldn't have apologized to you for reacting the way she did when you laughed at her kid's face

Considering, without hesitation you took one look at her kid and started laughing. Yeah, she was justified, and the fact that she reached out to you to apologize when you didn't even apologize again right after you left shows how unremorseful you are.


arthritisankle t1_j5lcpjo wrote

Obvious rage bait.


trying_productive OP t1_j5mmkos wrote

Tbh I wish it was now. Like why does everyone care so much? Like a ton of people laughed at the sight of his face. What did I do wrong? I just did what everyone else did. Whatever I’m glad to be done with her and her dumb kid.


theOperentice t1_j5nbmnm wrote

“Read one comment and stopped reading.” Lol. You’re too into yourself to not read every single comment on this thread. That’s the only other scenario besides ragebait. Crazy how ragebait is the better option. But if you insist you’re a self centered, intolerable human being then I won’t stop you. I bet all your friends just tolerate you. I bet you know it’s true too.


Virtura t1_j5i0q09 wrote

The tone of your post lacks empathy and penitence.

You should probably take steps to educate yourself about her child's disabilities in an effort to avoid a repeating scenario.

People are different, everyone has struggles, visible or not.

Grow up.


Paulutot t1_j5ib464 wrote

Can I just say, yeah you are a bad person. Take this moment in time as a teaching lesson on humility and compassion , move on and try to be a better human.


Lcon8390 t1_j5jf3v7 wrote

I hope you stub your pinky toe the rest of the year first thing in the morning


incomingstick t1_j5k6iqe wrote

You continue to refer to your friend's son as "it". Why? I strongly suggest you reflect on that.

Learn some respect. Gain some empathy. Be a human.

I hope your "friend" drops you. You suck.


Toxic_Wasteland_2020 t1_j5ilm1g wrote

The fact that she reached out to you, said she felt bad about having him, and then texted you saying sorry tells me she's sad, struggling, and desperate for a friend....and you shouldn't be that friend or rather can't be that friend. I hope she finds a good, nice friend that can be there for her and help....I feel bad for her.

This is the worst thing I've read on the internet today, and I just read THIS for the first time only minutes ago.

TLDR: You're Smegma.


trying_productive OP t1_j5krl11 wrote

Does Smegma stand for sigma? ☺️


BumpyNubbins t1_j5lbpm1 wrote

It stands for the shit that clogs up the back of your throat after a long day of 'working'. You should be very familiar with the taste!


ChuckRocksEh t1_j5j8emr wrote

You laugh when describing her as “a great mother” and you laugh about her house warming being an “apartment warming”. You’re a pretty bad person.


Takaithepanda t1_j5i72hc wrote

I'm not going to lambast you, and instead, I'll just say that you should reflect and use this as a learning experience. Grow as a person when you make mistakes.


trying_productive OP t1_j5ijs9e wrote

Thanks lol I’m trying. You can blast me I know I’m in the wrong. I just want some opinions on the situation 👍


NeedsMoreTuba t1_j5jzm64 wrote

Knowing you were wrong is one of the first steps towards becoming a better person. It's a hard step.

You've acknowledged your mistake and should try to learn from that and work towards being more understanding of other people's situations. That's how we grow into better people. From your family's comment, it seems like you may not have truly known that your reaction wasn't appropriate, but now you do. It's not too late for improvement. 🙂


Takaithepanda t1_j5ilzkm wrote

Nah. I've made mistakes that hurt people before. Just try to be better. It's all you can do.


JustAnotherVeggie t1_j5suphl wrote

>I just want some opinions on the situation 👍

And yet, in the edit to you own post, asked, in full disbelief and a heaping audacity, asked "Do people actually care this much."

When every single comment you've replied to has been something sarcastic, unwitty and enthusiastically entitled, I feel you should, seriously, seek therapy. Not sure how you wanted opinions when all you've done is, to your little credit, make embarrassingly hilarious attempts to do your "best" to clap back at people for a response.

I will also put it plainly, yes, that is ragebait, because obviously you're only replying to make people angry. You sound bitter and I hope the years are as good to you as you give out to people because, kindly speaking, you deserve that.


oldar4 t1_j5j3zbv wrote

You really are an ass. Empathy is not close to the top for you, just some dumb joke.


TheShawnWray t1_j5jspvz wrote

What the actual hell? You burst out laughing...bad enough but it just shows you're immature. But then you doubled down by making a verbal statement making fun of the child?


wllbtvised t1_j5jg99u wrote

You lack empathy. That’s a real problem and you need to seek professional help.


adrunkern0ob t1_j5kxhad wrote

She is right to cut you out, everything about his post is disgusting including your little side comments. Good riddance


Kittyvideosmeowmeow t1_j5l19a3 wrote

You’re an asshole. Immature, inconsiderate, trashy, rude, selfish dickhead.


TimS83 t1_j5kbotf wrote

Wow, I mean honestly, it doesn't matter at all if her child is disabled or not. Don't laugh at somebody for how they look, period. Especially a child.

Freaking yikes, time to do some real self-reflection on what type of person you are and what type of person you want to be :(


ehcouldnot t1_j5m9txh wrote

My god you are a piece of shit.


Odd_Rutabaga_7810 t1_j5jpm7m wrote

What will you do next? That's the question. What kind of person will you become?


theal3xorcist t1_j5lcdkq wrote

You guess she isn’t that nice so you don’t feel terrible anymore?

You’re the biggest AH and POS I’ve ever met. If you ever have children I pray the universe gives you none.


Traditional_Lack7153 t1_j5m6vhk wrote

Either this has to be bait, or this person is the most callous, oblivious, piece of shit in existence. With that attitude I can only hope she’s sterile. Don’t need anymore kids on earth experiencing and inheriting her garbage personality


voss749 t1_j5m9tb8 wrote

This should have been posted under AITA? and I would have said yes.


trying_productive OP t1_j5ml6cf wrote

I don’t know that much about Reddit but I know I’m not the A so I don’t think that would help.


RespectSenior4467 t1_j5nw8wb wrote

You laughed at a child you describe as deformed and said something so mean you won't even repeat it here. Of course you're the asshole, you moron.


Conscious-Mix3585 t1_j5m1e3d wrote

You are one messed up person . Honestly disgusting .


Logical_Ad_1383 t1_j5lufty wrote

Wtf would you laugh at kid. You're disgusting. Your ex friend is right to cut you out. Grow up cause karma is a bitch just like you laughed at her kid someone is gonna do the same to you.


Vic_Gatsby t1_j5lzkxt wrote

You're trash af! I could tell before even getting to the climax of the story.


aquakitty99 t1_j5i4wv5 wrote

Yes… today you fucked up. I’m not going to be another Redditor on this thread to give you shit for it because if you’re here I think you already know you’re wrong.


ProgenyOfEurope t1_j5nbrhg wrote

Glad to hear she cut another toxic person out of her life


blac_sheep90 t1_j5m33mj wrote

Total C U Next Tuesday behavior.


mommadotco15 t1_j5lqrl6 wrote

Why post even post this? You just suck…


JoeBlowOnTheInternet t1_j5n0uu1 wrote

Yeah you’re just a dumb ass. Good bait, but you’re really lame inside for thinking this lol like so trash it’s almost pitiful.


JoeBlowOnTheInternet t1_j5n13yn wrote

Geeze. Doing this on Reddit for random people to give you attention is bad, you should get yourself checked out or something. someone/something hurt you when you were young probably. Attention seeking like that is so weird, and gross, and ugly


dgarner58 t1_j5pc3tu wrote

this guy may not be the worst person on reddit...but he's the worst i've seen today.


JPElJefe22 t1_j5pk4nt wrote

IF this is actually real...

I typically don't advocate for violence, but you should be surprised she didn't smack you across the face.


ledspencer t1_j5ponj4 wrote

Either rage bait or you're scummy af


Embiggenment t1_j5q3ozo wrote

Wow. I'm a high-functioning autistic, but this hurt to read in more ways than one.

You're a cock.


QuizzlyQuan t1_j5rszxg wrote

Obvious rage bait is obvious


Akairichii t1_j5wageb wrote

You deserve to feel bad. You're a terrible, immature person and I wouldn't want you around any kids. I am happy to know that your "friend" is cutting you out of their lives. I hope you learn from this.


matthewmoore7314 t1_j5m681z wrote

this is such bait ya'll responding to this are the dumb ones


unique616 t1_j5j2kx8 wrote

All babies ugly but you aren't supposed to tell people behind their backs ever or to their face unless they specifically request and beg you for an honest answer about themselves. I learned that myself as a little kid so you should know better too. I hate it when people take it too far though. People need to follow the "If you don't have anything nice to say" rule. It's cruel and also spreading lies to say that you love somebody's new ugly haircut. Those people aren't your friends. They are encouraging you to look bad.


[deleted] t1_j5jpdli wrote



Embiggenment t1_j5sbo0t wrote

No shot that you're a anarchist and this much of a callous asshole towards disabled people.


HeywoodPeace t1_j5tckfl wrote

Good guess and I'm this callous toward all people. The human race is carrying a lot of dead weight. Thinning the herd is beneficial to all, and starting with the weak, sick and damaged is how the natural order of things works. Leave it to humanity to ignore the laws of nature and keep overpopulating the planet with no end in sight.

If this were an antinatalism thread she'd be the one getting the shit for reproducing. Nature would not allow this child to live it it were any other species. The mother would eat her young first.

Love the username. btw.


Embiggenment t1_j5tcviw wrote

Okay so not only are you not an anarchist, you're just a straight-up fash. I'm autistic so for all I know, you're also providing rage bait and therefore not being serious. But on the off-chance you aren't, fucking yikes.


trying_productive OP t1_j5mm1jh wrote

I’m glad someone agrees with me. I know I’m in the wrong but I didn’t think what I did was that bad, especially since a lot of people had said that to.


HeywoodPeace t1_j5nu3sp wrote

It was a natural reaction that came so fast you couldn't intercept it. I myself would have recoiled in disgust, which probably would have gone over much worse


Psycho_Kronos t1_j5ins5n wrote

Tell her to disown her child and forget about it. She could always have more children.


trying_productive OP t1_j5mn3dj wrote

True. I’m surprised she even had it when she had her whole life ahead of her.


Psycho_Kronos t1_j5nfzbs wrote

Disposing a child is not easy. We used to throw them in a river back in the day.