Submitted by poo_munch t3_10onvj1 in tifu

Obligatory this happened several years ago but I was reminded of it by the recent post about a guy investigating mysterious sounds in a McDonald's bathroom.

Like many productive teens I worked a mind numbing job enslaved to that sinister clown. One day my boss came back into the kitchen and said he had an extra job doing some cleaning in the kids playground and that whoever did the job for him could have free meals at that Macca's for a week. Naturally the promise of free food and not having to do my actual job for a bit was a tempting offer and I accepted.

That was the fuck up, as I entered the playground a very upset woman with her arm round a young lad with down syndrome hurried out of the restaurant with a look in her eyes that conveyed a thousand apologies at once. As it would turn out, what I was set to be cleaning as a 5m skid mark that said down syndrome lad had left curling it's way from the top of the curly tube slide to the bottom.

Now, that's not so bad u/poo_munch you might say, just go to the top of the slide and pour water down. Yeah, tried that one, I was too big to actually get through the playground to the top of the slide so I had to slowly inch my way up the curly slide with a dam of paper towels to stop the shit water from cascading down the slide into me. All in all I spent about an hour in that shit stained tunnel and left with a profound appreciation for what Andy Dufresne went through at the end of Shawshank redemption.

The real kicker was after I was done my boss added the caveat that I would only get free meals when on shift and the fucker hadn't rostered me on for the rest of the week.

Tldr: Accepted a bonus job from my McDonald's boss for free food and got stuck scrubbing shit out of a slide and then got no free food.



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cynical-mage t1_j6fso28 wrote

Oh, he got you real good. Sneaky wee bastard.


ISClark t1_j6g93ec wrote

Off topic I know but when I read the title I was sure it said "Tifu by accepting a blowjob from my boss". šŸ˜†


AmericanSahara t1_j6gyutm wrote

An hour? Maybe use a disinfectant soap mix, mop bucket and a long handle mop to scrub the skid mark away, then dump some buckets of clean water on it to leave it clean.


poo_munch OP t1_j6h07zr wrote

If I ever have to do it again I will certainly take that into consideration. Unfortunately all my boss gave my was a roll of paper towels and a bucket of soapy water.

The slide was one of those curly ones that are in a closed tube though so I don't think a long handles mop would have helped


slothlikeagility t1_j6hmazg wrote

your boss sounds like an asshole, iā€™d be so pissed off


duogemstone t1_j6p8gg4 wrote

Accepting, i remember one job i had in a restaurant where i showed up and the owner make me clean out his brother's apartment who was a horder took me 4 days/shifts to do so. Then a few weeks after had to go to cemetery to help put in his brothers headstone.

That being said he was a amazing boss that would bend over backwards to help you out (tv broke on me and i metained it, he just gave me a huge tv for free that night)