Submitted by dcforgie t3_101qn57 in tifu

First, I got pulled over for a speeding ticket, which i got back in 2021, then u slightly hit the bumper of a woman's car, then I rear-ended another car a few months ago. I was nervous about a rise in insurance, perhaps lose all my money in car repairs. After I fixes my radiator, everything was covered and fine. However, just recently I got a letter in the mail saying because I've gotten into at fault interactions behind the wheel, I have to take a state mandated defensive driving course to keep my license or I lose it in February. Guys, as embarrassing is this is, I cried like a baby. I'm a 27 year old man and I'm in danger of losing my license. Not to mention it took me 5 tries to get the damn thing. TLDR; I suck and driving and have to suffer the consequences



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andywalker76 t1_j2p3s6o wrote

OP, driver improvement courses are better than you think. I've even on a couple of speed awareness courses (both times due to lapses in concentration) in my time and each time I found them very informative and helpful.


dcforgie OP t1_j2p64r1 wrote

Thanks a lot for the encouragement man. I'm sure it's just what I needed to drive more safely and hopefully with no accidents (at fault) in my immediate future


smudgetimeusa t1_j2p8peh wrote

You’re going to kill someone if you don’t take this seriously.


dcforgie OP t1_j2pb1l2 wrote

Thanks for burying me in guilt. I take it seriously.


Deep-Map-4521 t1_j2qbcui wrote

Get over it bro, you rear end two people you should feel guilty. Get better or get an uber


jonnythunder3483 t1_j2sad0v wrote

Driving is a serious & dangerous thing. If you can’t safely operate a vehicle you shouldn’t be driving, nothing to do about guilt. If you feel guilty enough about the potential to hurt someone, then do something to fix it before it’s too late. You’re an unsafe driver and shouldn’t be on the road.


WorldRenownedRacist t1_j2oyunb wrote

Sounds like you drive too close to other cars and/or probably always distracted. Either slow down or put the phone down. You're going to kill someone one day.


dcforgie OP t1_j2oz8t5 wrote

Its not my phone. But I do get distracted daily. I have undiagnosed add, so even when I'm looking directly into the road, I find my brain is wondering away. I am trying any and all options to correct my brain and behavior behind the wheel. Not sure whether to pursue adderall or something like it yet. Too nervous about side effects.


WorldRenownedRacist t1_j2p1m22 wrote

Put it this way, if your brain issues are causing you to get into accidents, you should either get help to prevent accidents or not drive. You're a danger behind the wheel.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j2ptonl wrote

Having side effects is a better alternative than killing someone and going to jail


dogdogdogsheep t1_j2pxchg wrote

There are lots of prescription options for ADHD before adderall, if you’re worried about adderall specially. But whether it’s ADHD or something else, you need to talk to a psychiatrist if it’s impacting your safety and the safety of others.


Sir_Credible t1_j2qcb2z wrote

Here’s a fun thing I get distracted by on the road

  1. What’s every car doing around me
  2. What if that car in front of me just, stops?
  3. Repeat steps 1-3

imakesawdust t1_j2qk1td wrote

Takes 5 tries to pass their driver's exam and then proceeds to amass a bad-enough driving record that that license is now at risk. Honestly, a driving course or two might not be a bad idea for you...


FunkyCobra t1_j2qv68i wrote

have you tried just walking, might be less dangerous.


NeroVol t1_j2qo7s1 wrote

OP, if possible, maybe purchase a vehicle with more modern safety features like frontal radar and pre-collision breaking/crash avoidance. Also, defensive driving course are good for ya and sometimes your insurance will reduce your premium if they hear that you have taken one of these courses.


MoMsBuM69 t1_j2pzj8g wrote

Hi OP, I also have undiagnosed adhd and have trouble driving sometimes. What helps me stay focused is constantly checking my mirrors, it helps me be more aware of other cars and hazards on the road as well as keep an eye on my speed limit. I hope this helps, good luck in driving school :)


Xannann t1_j2sn8mh wrote

How do people who have "undiagnosed" stuff know they have that? I couldn't imagine having the confidence to declare a mental illness I'm not sure I have


MoMsBuM69 t1_j2ssct2 wrote

Because I’ve been told by my parents and my teachers that I possibly have it. I’m not one of those ppl to just believe anything ofc so I’ve googled symptoms and it all just makes so much sense. My one sibling has it and I can see it in my dad. It’s really easy to hide in girls and women and an early diagnosis is early teens to late 20s vs being diagnosed as a child like a boy. I still have to go to the doctor to get it officially diagnosed and by this age I might not even have it anymore. But it’s something that you can just tell you have it. Like depression and anxiety, you can tell you have it.


guy30000 t1_j2q42q1 wrote

It does really sound like you need help with your driving.


waetherman t1_j2rri3p wrote

It's too damn easy to get a driver's license in this country - far too many people don't understand how to drive properly. Take this as an opportunity to learn to drive well - it's a skill that will serve you for the rest of your life.


dcforgie OP t1_j2tkwrn wrote

It's too damn easy? It took me 5 times to get it. For reference. I live in Massachusetts. Very hard to grt a license now and days


waetherman t1_j2tmotp wrote

Five times and you're still a terrible driver. Don't take that personally - most people in the USA are. What we need in this country is licensing standards like Germany.


AMightyOak43 t1_j2q086v wrote

Everybody is bad at something before they are good at it. Please don't have any distractions in the car when you are driving. Even radio, eating, conversation, sight-seeing can take your attention away from driving. And don't speed. Also, in the USA nobody turning left has the right-of-way unless they have a green arrow.


JairoGlyphic t1_j2rx3qn wrote

You also suck at typing. Get your eyes checked wtf.


WhatevahIsClevah t1_j2sbkhn wrote

The driver's classes are not bad. Plus you can sometimes use the certificate to geta discount on your insurance.

But do be more careful and learn how to drive more defensively.


Ocean_Spice t1_j2su21w wrote

I knew someone who got rear-ended. It killed her instantly, snapped her neck. It doesn’t seem like you’re taking this seriously, and you’re going to end up killing someone if you don’t.


dcforgie OP t1_j2td8kr wrote

I take driving very seriously. It's difficult to convey how much thru a reddit reply


markwell9 t1_j2tibfl wrote

These are not that serious of situations btw. Can happen to anyone. Especially over a span of 2 years.


markwell9 t1_j2thz6d wrote

Another fender bender?


dcforgie OP t1_j2tldkm wrote

Just to give detail about the 2 fender benders One of them was at a stop light, I was in a new vehicle and I wasn't used to the brakes yet. I guess my foot wasn't on yhe brake hard enough and I bumped her slightly.

Second one was bumper to bumper traffic. It become steady pace and I thought it wasn't gonna stop again. I was wrong. Smacked into the bumper. No injuries at either BTW.


Whatifisaid- t1_j2uxm3j wrote

Sounds like you need to actually learn how to drive better tbh. Took you 5 tries to get a license and you’re still running into people constantly? You’re lucky you’ve not done more damage. Do you need to drive to live in your area, because you may need an alternative from the sounds of it. Maybe try some driving courses or something?


dcforgie OP t1_j3j1vv7 wrote

Update: wanted to share I passed the exam. Thank to all who gave me heartfelt encouragement. To the rest ( you know who you are) have a nice life. Hopefully we'll never meet on the road