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GirlsAndChemicals t1_j6lkpeu wrote

If she's saying she wants you to go hard on her because she feels genuinely guilty and she thinks she deserves it... Kinda sounds an awful lot like it's less of a kink thing and more of a "self harm via you" thing. You had her consent (sort of--no safe words is a bad plan always and inherently blurs the line between consent and no consent when things get intense), but even having consent doesn't mean that it can't still be harmful. Lots of people with trauma reenact it in ways like this, and while it can be fun and even healing if it's done properly, it can also 100% be very damaging and retraumatizing if it's not. Not saying that's her situation, but I wouldn't rule it out. Y'all really need to talk about this stuff.


puja713890 t1_j6m27bo wrote

I agree completely. It's one thing to get spanked as role play but it's another if she says she deserved it in all seriousness. There may be a psychological reason behind her behaviour that you should talk about.