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EmphasisFinal t1_j689xnj wrote

This happened to me at last year's Christmas party, luckily my boss rented me a hotel room as I was way to drunk to drive.

The thing I get tho most shit for tho is when I woke up the next morning, I had to go to work, so I walked 3 miles from the hotel to where my work van was at 6 am with the worst hangover I ever had.


gregwaterloo t1_j6be7ar wrote

On a bright note your dress had pockets, that’s pretty awesome.


hsiale t1_j6civ5f wrote

>Receipts for champagne in my pocket.

If those are for a lot of champagne, there are good chances you are hugely popular among your coworkers now.


bluescreenfog t1_j6dm8fg wrote

> I’m a middle manager.

> deciding to do shots with my team.

So come Monday your team will probably love you! Nobody likes middle management that can't let their hair down. You'll be that cool, "wild" manager that can have a good time.