Submitted by mediumwellbeefsteak t3_10mfpdq in tifu

English is not my native language , sorry if I made mistakes ) I ( 19 M ) am a music producer . I just graduated from a little school of music production here and I've been working on music ( producing , playing and making my own songs ) since I was 14. Today I found an email send by my own email in the Spam box . Someone had my gmail password and they were telling me that If I didn't give them $ 1800 in bitcoin they will expose photos of me m4sturbating cuz they had access to my cameras . I don't watch pom that often and when I do I know for a fact that the camera is not pointing at my D or my face . But I really got scared of the fact that they had my password . Previous to this I had a problem downloading a plugin . It was a D - Drum that I really wanted but couldn't afford , so I searched how to get it for free . I ended up in very suspicious pages and since then I've been thinking that I might got a Virus on my pc . Back to today , I read that email and my mind goes white . I didn't know what to do , I was shaking like a chihuaha , I was about to throw up and the only thing that came to my mind was to reset every device that had my google account . I reset my PC , my laptop and my cellphone . Now I started to search about this and turns out this meant nothing . The email was 15 days old and the password was an old password . I looked in youtube and every video says that is nothing , that all you had to do is change your password , put some security on your google account and not use the same password for every website .

I felt like my dream of becoming a musician is over. 5 years of hard work. 5 years of hours late at night trying to learn new techniques and trying to make the best songs posible. It's all gone now.

I lost everything , I lost all my photos , I lost the videos that I made and the thing that hurts me the most , I lost all my musical projects . More than 100 song ideas that were going to see the light some day . I lost it all . My band and I were about to launch our first single and it's gone . But Im not giving up .

I do have a backup and it's inside in my head . I remeber most of the songs ( at least the ones with most potential ) and when I feel better I'll go to that computer and start working keep my dream up .

And for those who try to scam people or do this bad things . Be better at life , bro . Where do you see yourself after ? You think you can be happy knowing what you do ? How many people you harm ? You can't do this forever , can you ?.

TL;DR I just deleted all my musical projects because I got scared of a scam email. I feel destroyed.



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Mr__Cuddles_ t1_j62rp8a wrote

Tbh not having hard copies of your data or your music somewhere is kind of on you.


Mr__Cuddles_ t1_j62sovr wrote

Why wouldn't you at least send your music data somewhere before wiping your laptop? The email was about 15 days old, why were you in such an hurry, if something were to happen no one would wait that long, unless they don't have blackmail material and he only try to bag fools who react before thinking. Sorry, I'm as frustrated as you, you wasted so much time


mediumwellbeefsteak OP t1_j62svmz wrote

Man I know I could've done many things to save everything but my mind just got white. I was so damn scared that I did the only thing I thought was right. I want to travel to the past and punch me in the balls but the damage is done


Stoepboer t1_j62xowh wrote

It might be possible to restore your stuff with some software.