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[deleted] t1_j5zisdr wrote

You should definitely talk to him. If you make him come to you to acknowledge your wrong doing you’ll be worse off. If you want him to put you in a position of responsibility you have to show that you can take responsibility.


PocketOppossum OP t1_j5zjxm3 wrote

You are totally right. The next time I saw him I apologized. He laughed about it, and told me paper would be sufficient.

This man is the opposite of everything you've seen about chefs on TV. He is always as cool as a cucumber. I've seen the man cry a couple times, but I've never seen him lose his cool. He is frustratingly calm, to the point that I thought he didn't care at all for a long time. He cares a lot, just not as much about the food as the people.


Splinterfight t1_j62jlpr wrote

Glad it worked out. Did he forget to order the ingredients? Or was there some fuck up with the supplier?


PocketOppossum OP t1_j641xl6 wrote

He lost the note I handed him, and then he forgot to order my stuff. It all worked out though, we just started our new weekly special on Thursday instead of Wednesday. No guests ever knew the difference. Lol