Submitted by justheretowatch-1184 t3_10j72v2 in tifu

Obligatory it happened 2 days back. My (18f) friends and I went drinking 2 days back. My best friend Sasha’s (18f)boyfriend (20m) also came with us. I am a major lightweight and got drunk very fast. I was going around biting people who were with us and ended up biting Sasha’s boyf really badly to the extent that he has bite marks. I tried to laugh it off but when Sasha told me it wasn’t funny, I felt guilty and started crying. Sasha’s boyfriend at that time told me that it was ok. Yesterday I met Sasha and her boyfriend but we didn’t really talk because we were at a friend’s father’s funeral. Today Sasha was very distant from me which I of course understood so I also gave her some space. I spoke to Sasha’s boyfriend and tried to apologise but he told me that we weren’t going to be cool for quite a while now. The last time I got drunk and out of control was around 10 months back when I decided not to drink to lose control ever again. It was a happy day so I drank and regretted it so much. I feel like I may have messed up the best friendship in my life with Sasha because of something as horrible as alcohol.

TLDR: got drunk and bit my best friend’s boyfriend and potentially ruined the best friendship I’ve had till date.



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panbert t1_j5ix7c7 wrote

It isn't alcohol that's the problem, it's you. Many years ago a girl told me "A drunken man has a sober mind". Basically, when alcohol takes away our inhibitions, the real person comes to the fore.

You need to learn why an 18 year-old wants to go around biting people.


SupaDupaTron t1_j5ngue5 wrote

Interesting. So I guess sober people may never know their true selves.


1michaelfurey t1_j5orvxy wrote

One time my friend pissed and shat himself while he was drunk I guess that's what he always wanted to do


WalkingThyroid99 t1_j5jlwyy wrote

Fucking hell people act like they’ve never done something stupid when they were young from drinking too much once or twice. No you don’t have a problem with alcohol, sometimes it happens and you do something stupid it’ll be fine after a while.


dirtybrownwt t1_j5nehmo wrote

The people in these comments are either 12 or 70 and have never lived. Its a bite, they didn’t try to gouge out someone’s eyes. Even then, my buddy and I are still chill cause he ended up needing staples in his head.


[deleted] t1_j5is0mg wrote



ladyofthe_upside_dow t1_j5m20zg wrote

Do we? I don’t have a single story of a time I got too drunk to manage myself. Sloppy drunks aren’t fun to be around, and it’s not always as easy as just apologizing for your unhinged behavior and having all be forgiven.

And as someone who’s been bitten many times in the past (one of the joys of working in residential mental health), being bitten sucks. Even a “lighter” bite can bruise like a motherfucker. And biting hard enough to leave bite marks? The guy probably has some of that awesome deeper muscle bruising going on. That hurts like hell. And if OP managed to break the skin at all, then the guy has a whole other set of concerns to deal with, because the human mouth is disgusting.


dirtybrownwt t1_j5ne4be wrote

Meh, I’ve gotten into fist fights with my black out drunk buddies a few times. Had one of them try to gouge out my eyes after I choked him out for being a dipshit. Have given and received black eyes, cuts and bruises, and killer head aches. Shit happens, we’re all still cool. The only guy we’ve cut contact with got blacked out and tried to punch my buddies gf. Only ever been bitten once though.


xxDooomedxx t1_j5iz4s2 wrote

Biting people is really bad. I don't blame your friend for being pissed at you. Maybe you shouldn't drink...


RedCatte t1_j5j8u67 wrote

Soooo, I bite people sometimes. It’s a brat instinct I think? That being said, going around a party when drunk and doing it to people who are not consenting? That’s a huge no.

Don’t blame alcohol for your lack of respect for people.


DvargTheMan t1_j5lawpy wrote

only child? at some point a baby bites the mother, or an older sibling and gets their ass beat. you missed that one


Sum-Duud t1_j5laq4n wrote

at least you didn't get drunk and blow him


Akairichii t1_j5wzc78 wrote

Young and drunk leads to a lot of poor decisions. This one definitely doesn't take the cake though. You live and you learn. After learning this about you would I still be your friend? Yeah... Would I drink with you? Nope.


NOT000 t1_j5rjn4v wrote

u have now learned buzz is good but drunk is bad

avoid getting drunk


kalysti t1_j5irydu wrote

You sound like you have a problem with alcohol. Stop drinking.


Certain_Finding_9361 t1_j5iv1vg wrote

Yeah, no, it sounds like the kind of crap antics most teenagers get into, if there are repeated incidents, or a dependency on alcohol then I'd say there's a problem.

Stopping drinking is one way to stop this happening in the future, although there is nothing wrong with a drink in moderation.


dirtybrownwt t1_j5ne8eu wrote

Sounds like a drunk 18 year old doing drunk 18 year old dumb shit. Blacking out twice because you’re a light weight isn’t an indicator of having a problem. It just means you can’t hold your liquor


killerkow999 t1_j5iy638 wrote

While I understand where you were at from past trauma I would've drop kicked you out a second story window or went into a severe mental breakdown, that is just kinda a weird way to mess with people and you don't know how they are going to react


WalkingThyroid99 t1_j5jlzur wrote

Bit much ain’t it?


killerkow999 t1_j5jx92u wrote

When you get shot back over ten years having a flashback over what is happening at the current time but you're in a 3rd person view you don't justify between "a bit much" and just right honestly I have had panic attacks where I seriously can't control what the fuck is happening that's why my stepdad had to go to court for a domestic with his shit split. For reference on a regular day I wouldn't dare step to that man let alone raise a hand so the answer to your question is maybe but I can't stop it either way and well you provoked me


hecatonchires266 t1_j5isqi8 wrote

Stop hitting the bottle every chance you get because one day someone who you hurt won't laugh it off and will slap you with a lawsuit. Stop drinking period.
