Submitted by Kaia-Lilly t3_10jnpl3 in tifu

Before I start, just know that I'm not normally this stupid. But we all make mistakes by not thinking and this one is just so bad (in my opinion) that I have to share. Also, I'm on mobile so apologies for any weirdness on the post.

So last night, I found that one of my cats made an awful mess on my pillow that soaked in. The pillow is a memory foam type of pillow and I knew the pillow itself would need to be washed.

So this morning that's what I did. I put my pillow in my washing machine with no recognition of how bad this would go. Some time later my washing machine gives me its Error! sound and I go to investigate. It does this when something is heavy or the machine is off balance. I know it has to be the pillow but my brain doesn't comprehend why until I try to move my pillow.

It. Is. Soaked. More water than pillow right now. I struggle to pull out my pillow so I can try to squeeze out some water. It becomes painfully clear that I won't be able to squeeze out really any water while it is in the machine. So I wrap it into a towel and take it to my shower.

I then proceed to spend 30 minutes getting a great calf workout by walking all over my pillow to drain out as much water as I can. I now know what stomping grapes must feel like. It was an awful time.

I eventually got out as much as I could and threw it in the dryer. I had to run it through 3 times last night and then gae up for the night because the core was still wet. So now I know. Never wash a pillow that is essentially a sponge.

TL:DR washing memory foam pillows is not good for your washer but is a good calf workout.



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thehotmcpoyle t1_j5lv8pz wrote

Make sure your cat is okay. I adopted an ancient cat years ago & he had some weird accidents, like pooping in my slipper. I figured it was him reacting to my other 2 cats but then he peed on my pillow & there was some blood. I took him to the vet & he had either a urinary tract infection or a kidney infection. Meds cleared everything up & there were no issues after that but I realized (I think) that he was trying to let me know he wasn’t feeling good. Hopefully your cat is fine but I wanted to share this just in case.

RIP to your pillow.


Kaia-Lilly OP t1_j5lvhxg wrote

I think it was my female cat and she needs to be spayed. But I'll definitely keep an eye out for that! They definitely show their illnesses and frustration in weird ways.


Raspberry-hole t1_j5s68tf wrote

my male cat before neutering would pee on things instead of using his litter box, its possibly that too


Kaia-Lilly OP t1_j5s70ub wrote

Were keeping a close eye on everyone for the next few days just to be safe. So far everyone seems okay!


OkVolume1 t1_j5lz0i8 wrote

I'll try to remember this.


Limp_Will16 t1_j5lt7ie wrote

Just wash two similar pillows at the same time. Put them on opposite sides.

And when you dry, throw in some tennis balls. Don’t know why it helps, but it does.


Kaia-Lilly OP t1_j5ltccj wrote

Say I don't have another memory foam in the house. But that means I just need to get another pillow lol


Limp_Will16 t1_j5lun0j wrote

I think my house has more pillows than blankets… I literately cannot fathom having only one pillow…

But yeah. Buy pillows in pairs. You should definitely be washing pillows every so often, especially if you have pets.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j5mykwu wrote

Are you worried about mildew growing in the core of the pillow since it’s been wet for a bunch of days now?


Kaia-Lilly OP t1_j5n110x wrote

A little bit. I'm going to be running it in the dryer at least once a day for a few days to try and make sure it gets fully dry and hopefully minimize the damage.