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dsmy t1_j44ee7k wrote

Sounds like he's trying to process.

Subconsciously, he's probably worried about ruining your life by not being "man" enough.

Homie needs a vacation and to get out of a mental rut.


melancholicangie t1_j44fg94 wrote

So he’s probably got some unresolved feelings about inadequacy, you said he’s under a lot of stress. Dreams and nightmares are often manifestations of unresolved images or thoughts. Assigning a lot of meaning to a dream is pretty risky- especially if it isn’t your own dream.

Granted, the nightmares’ content was disturbing. I’m surprised he shared those details with you, it would seem to indicate he trusts you and found the nightmare bizarre and disturbing enough to discuss it.

There would be valid reasons for concern in my estimation, if his attitude in relaying the dream or how he treated you during your conversation was “off”. Did you come away from the conversation feeling like it was a threat? Did he enjoy your reaction to the nightmare? If he seemed to be blaming you for having this dream in any way, I would see this incident as a red flag.

If he simply described this nightmare to you, and was clearly upset by the content and seeking solace from you as a partner- I would rise above the obvious jarring effect and try to console him. Perhaps even make a small joke to lighten the mood, but if he was distraught by this dream, it seems likely he is looking for comfort from you after a traumatic dream and difficult time in his life.

Keep your eyes open, but don’t assume the worst of him unless he’s giving you more reason than the content of a nightmare.


shadesofwolves t1_j44fgnf wrote

He said it was a nightmare, and it was just that. Nothing more.


No_Love_1353 t1_j44j1jw wrote

You haven’t been pushing him to choke you during sexy time, have you?


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j44nni8 wrote

Last night I dreamt someone was laying on a table in an ice cream shop and I was trying to murder her by wrapping her to the table with Saran wrap. Then someone approached and I tried to explain "it's not what it looks like," I'm an innocent sweet girl and there's a logical explanation for this 😆

Next dream I'd just had sex with someone I knew IRL who I'd NEVER want to have sex with, but in the dream we were both happy & satisfied, then he said "Here take this," tried to hand me money and I felt insulted, "I'm not a prostitute! I did that because I WANTED to..."

Anyway dreams are weird, they rarely make sense at face value, and rarely should be interpreted literally.


TrickyTimeBomb t1_j44tjvb wrote

I didn't feel off, I was honestly more worried about what it meant with our relationship -- If anything. I'm definitely not concerned for my own safety w him or anything like that, my bad for making it seem that way in the post. He would never lay a hand on me, he's as gentle as can be. Your insight is very accurate and I appreciate it.


RudeSprinkles1240 t1_j44ulfa wrote

Night before last, I had a dream that I had a wild fire sweep over me. I was in the fire.

I think my face was burning from the differin gel I put on it. Maybe your boyfriend has sleep apnea.


blue_operative t1_j44v6md wrote

He called it a nightmare meaning he didn’t like it


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j475kat wrote

So weird. I wonder if this is low-key some sort of satanic ritualistic sacrificial ceremony that occurred to me in my subconsciousness, see Hollywood is apparently doing it and they're all satanists but I've never heard of such a thing, maybe it's a vibe. Anyway In my dream we were all dressed in soft pink & blue pastel colors because I 'm a girl and that's how my dreams are