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blueblueblue432 t1_j5sy0nf wrote

To be honest I think deep down she should know she initiated. Maybe she's trying to save face. But if she truly doesn't remember then that's a bad situation. Either way I feel for you. Don't feel like you did anything wrong


zecariah OP t1_j5ua3pu wrote

I fucking wish she remembered that shit. But honestly its possible that her drunk words werent sober thoughts in this situation. Maybe she was j wasted and horny, so she tried to hook up w the nearest body in her proximity. However, i vaguely remember telling her “i thought u might feel like this,” and then explaining that i was worried she was developing a crush bc highkey there were lil signs all over. But seems like she didnt expect to try and hook up bc im def blocked on everything. Or shes j ghosting for space. Maybe shes embarrassed. Idfk. But ive been feeling sick ever since.


blueblueblue432 t1_j6786xc wrote

I honestly think she's trying to save face because she knows that you're not into her as much. I say that as a girl. I hope she unblocks you though and your friendship can work out. I wouldn't expect anything, or try to force it. She may find it easier to distance herself. Sorry that this happened. You were just trying to be nice.