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[deleted] OP t1_j60jo8l wrote


IndeGhost t1_j60qoko wrote

I can't believe a 16yr old is being down voted for not wanting his parents arrested. Not to mention having autism and dealing with all the implications with having your parents who provide for you arrested. He has a very good point here as well, yeah I'm sure the cops are just gonna go

"Ah well, he said they stole it so, book em boys!"

Let's say it does play it like that, now what's he gonna do? Maybe some family member would take him in, if they're not against him for putting parents in jail. If not then what, the foster care system?

I can only think it's children replying to you or people absolutely out of touch with reality. OP Sorry your parents are ignorant and treat you like this, I don't know your situation at all but if your parents aren't utterly evil then make it well known you won't stand being walked over, don't let them hide you away and shelter you from things if you feel you can handle whatever it is.

Some parents are very ignorant to the point of causing harm, unless it's truly abusive and being on the streets is better, then as someone who had fairly ignorant parents what improved my situation is standing up for myself. I don't know your full situation I can only offer that surface level advice, best of luck.


harlojones t1_j60rcww wrote

Oh yeah and then his parents lose the mortgage and everything is fucked forever, Redditors are sooooooo detached.


thisisdrivingmebatty t1_j60use0 wrote

The mortgage they lied about paying. They never used the money for the "mortgage," it was wasted on tobacco and fast food.


harlojones t1_j610crw wrote

That doesn’t mean the mortgage doesn’t exist? If the parents pick up charges that could easily complicate what sounds like an already delicate situation. Them lying about fast food and tobacco is irrelevant to the future of their mortgage.


thisisdrivingmebatty t1_j613glc wrote

Again, they lied about needing money for the mortgage. There's no indication about it being in jeopardy at all, they just wanted easy money to spend.


harlojones t1_j613n4n wrote

Nobody pawns things when things are 100% okay. Do you really have such a ridiculous thought process that you think they’re fine financially and just wanted to pawn their son/fathers silver collection to get some McDonald’s and cigarettes? Things are most likely not ideal.


thisisdrivingmebatty t1_j61sigy wrote

Ok, but even if things ARE truly that desperate, that's the parents' responsibility to manage, not a 16 year old kid. If they didn't want to further endanger their finances they shouldn't have committed a crime, which is what they've done. If anyone has a ridiculous thought process here, it's you thinking that anyone but the parents are at fault here.


harlojones t1_j61x9jx wrote

Tha fuck are you talking about, obviously the financial situation the parents fault and their burden to bare, that doesn’t change the fact that this child has a decision to make, report his parents to the police and deal with whatever mountain of ramifications come with that, or wait it out two years until he can move out and not implode his life and cause further hardship.


[deleted] OP t1_j60nrpq wrote



harlojones t1_j60p0ot wrote

And then what? OP is homeless because his parents actually hate him now and OP has to go to court to deal with the fucking follow up of calling the police on his parents. That is a great answer for someone sitting at their keyboard completely disconnected from the situation. First of all OP needs to become self sufficient or their entire world could disappear and they’ll end up much worse off than just missing their silver collection.

Edit: and y’all are downvoting them for saying they don’t want to call the cops on their parents. What a joke.


[deleted] OP t1_j60pjau wrote



SpecialpOps t1_j613j9c wrote

This is a really crappy situation. Do you have any trusted adults at your school or in your family you can talk to you about this?

The school might be able to help out as this sounds abusive and They might be able to help you with it.


SpecialpOps t1_j613jrk wrote

This is a really crappy situation. Do you have any trusted adults at your school or in your family you can talk to you about this?

The school might be able to help out as this sounds abusive and they might be able to help you with it.

I’m sure you’re feeling a lot of anxiety about this but things will get better. Especially if you seek help of a trusted adult who is close to you.


Qlder81 t1_j60nuwb wrote

If your parents dont care, why should you?


kdavis37 t1_j61aeej wrote

I certainly don't want to be shitty just because family is.


DragonfruitOk6901 t1_j60oaun wrote

Then you kinda lose all justification for complaining. If you're complacent with their behavior, this is going to happen.


seasamgo t1_j610taj wrote

Totally. A 16 year old is responsible for the actions of their grownass parents and should know better. /s