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NoGood_Boyo t1_j6o0fzv wrote

Imagine being an adult. A manager. Who flies into a fit of rage. For a little piece of paper that may or may not say Jizz.


stevedaher t1_j6p3m2m wrote

Imagine being an adult in a workplace and labelling a box “sticky” and not “adhesives” or “glue and tape”. He knew exactly what he was doing when he labelled the box.


Dmisetheghost t1_j6p5ba4 wrote

Says the crabby fool


stevedaher t1_j6p5u6o wrote

Guy literally said he knew the regional manager checks the label for appropriateness. Then calls a box Sticky JZ. He’s written his initials a 1000 times and you think it’s the first time someone has made the remark that it’s “jizz”. I have a bridge to sell you.


krtshv t1_j6p82ah wrote

Adhesives and "glue snd tape" are too long. Sticky conveys the contents properly and quickly.


stevedaher t1_j6pfpzc wrote

Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick.