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MajestaHazel t1_j4nmoma wrote

CPS needs to take those babies away, you are both unfit parents.


the_noi t1_j4moivr wrote

Christ. Yeah sounds all round like a bad fucjing environment. Kids are hard.

keeping it real with you yes you definitely sound like the bigger arsehole here. Hopefully with them being away a while you’ll get a bit more rest and time to reflect and think about what a more useful contribution to helping to raise two little ones looks like.

>I get home from work I don't want to do anything but sleep or sit down and do nothing.

I know, the dream. But too bad, it’s not gonna be like that for about 5 years until the youngest is able to self entertain. You gotta watch them, and keep them safe.

Escalating the arguments is also super not healthy. I’m glad you can recognise some of your shittier behaviour outside of the heat of the moment. Use the time they’re not with you wisely to work on all that. You may also want to find a day job to give up the night shift, which I know is another pain in the arse but at least after bed time will give you much needed space to actually enjoy shows or whatever it is that you enjoy without having to be on attention.

Good luck. Give yourself some support. Give your partner and kids some support.


-Chris-V- t1_j4mv85f wrote

Man I'm so sorry for your situation. It really really sucks.

Your gf sounds like she is in a state of mental health crisis, and that needs to be addressed. I don't know what can be done to get her help, but she needs it. As a part of her getting help, she will likely interface with a social worker, who will also be able to help resolve things.

It does sound like you're deep in the darkness too.

From the details of your post, I assume that mental healthcare would be hard to get due to lack of resources. If that's incorrect, then by all means, you should seek treatment for yourself too.

Poverty fucking sucks. Feeling like you can't make ends meet when you have the responsibility of a family is absolutely crushing. Have you taken advantage of the community resources that are around? Things like welfare, food stamps, WIC, etc?

It does sound like maybe it would be a good idea for your kids to spend some time with relatives if you have them, while you and your gf regroup. I strongly feel that your gf is not in the frame of mind to care for them on her own.

Having young kids around is fucking hard. Nobody likes to admit it because it gets in the way of all those perfect Facebook posts, but if we're being honest with ourselves, it's very very hard. Raising a young family on a seriously tight budget is enough to drive anyone to the edge.


lofishy t1_j4mj97n wrote

You guys need to stay apart permanently. There is no repairing that relationship because it is very, very fucked up.

This is not the time to play the blame game, this is the time to put your children in a safe environment. I suggest having them stay with a neutral family member or friend as neither of you are stable and can provide that safety. Worst case scenario, involve law enforcement.

You are clearly displaying signs of clinical depression. While this is treatable, the symptoms of the disorder make it hard to seek treatment. Do everything you can to ignore excuses and take advantage of free resources that are available. Use google to find them.

You're not the first person to find themselves in a situation like this and like those before you, you have the ability to overcome this.


blacknessofthevoid t1_j4nx3a6 wrote

I didn’t even read the entire rant and I can summarize it: both of us are broke AF and we can barely stand each other. You know what would be a great idea? Let’s have not one, but two kids. As an added bonus we can blame them for shit too.


xiam007 t1_j4n36cx wrote

holy f#ck.....


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j4mek2u wrote

Jesus dude your girlfriend is hitting herself with objects, that is not something a stable person does. She sounds like she’s gaslighting you with the combination of hitting herself+calling you abusive for making her do that. You’re not the screw up here, she is. You haven’t written anything that shows us you’re abusive to your children.


DanerysTargaryen t1_j4msj52 wrote

Easy there, we’re only hearing one side of what happened, and even by his own admission, OP is leaving a lot out and even admits he is not the nicest person to be around, being “overall terrible”, and even being “an abuser”. His girlfriend was probably having a mental breakdown and his response to that was to scream at her to get the fuck out of his house and wasn’t willing to even wait to let her put shoes on first. Then when he starts to get pushy about forcing her out of the house, they physically fight, and she locks herself and the kids in a room and OP’s response to that is to essentially break down the door to get to them.

Neither of them are good for each other right now. Neither of them are helping the other and both need to spend time apart to collect themselves and get some help. This is not a healthy relationship and the screaming, cussing, physical fights and slamming doors will cause long lasting effects on their kids’ impressionable brains.


aussie_nub t1_j4nkd40 wrote

Not to mention he acknowledges right at the top about postpartum. They both need some help but neither seems willing to work together to get themselves help.