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Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j4mek2u wrote

Jesus dude your girlfriend is hitting herself with objects, that is not something a stable person does. She sounds like she’s gaslighting you with the combination of hitting herself+calling you abusive for making her do that. You’re not the screw up here, she is. You haven’t written anything that shows us you’re abusive to your children.


DanerysTargaryen t1_j4msj52 wrote

Easy there, we’re only hearing one side of what happened, and even by his own admission, OP is leaving a lot out and even admits he is not the nicest person to be around, being “overall terrible”, and even being “an abuser”. His girlfriend was probably having a mental breakdown and his response to that was to scream at her to get the fuck out of his house and wasn’t willing to even wait to let her put shoes on first. Then when he starts to get pushy about forcing her out of the house, they physically fight, and she locks herself and the kids in a room and OP’s response to that is to essentially break down the door to get to them.

Neither of them are good for each other right now. Neither of them are helping the other and both need to spend time apart to collect themselves and get some help. This is not a healthy relationship and the screaming, cussing, physical fights and slamming doors will cause long lasting effects on their kids’ impressionable brains.


aussie_nub t1_j4nkd40 wrote

Not to mention he acknowledges right at the top about postpartum. They both need some help but neither seems willing to work together to get themselves help.