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Fun-Pea-880 t1_j365wbv wrote

This is why when you find someone who puts up with your ass and loves you as much as you love them, you hold on with both hands and use every toe to grab on.

I, unfortunately, failed 19 years ago, coming up on 20 this 30th. There is nothing you can do but try to learn to live with yourself and continue living day by day.


MichaelHammor t1_j368b7o wrote

Stop it! You are not responsible for the actions of others. If I pour gasoline on myself and set myself on fire, I chose to do that. No one else is to blame. It's a tragedy, no lie. What it's not is your fault. My mother decided to stop taking her life savings meds. She died as a result. She was old and sick and didn't want to be a burden. We told her she wasn't a burden and we loved her and needed her. She finally started taking meds but the two years off damaged her. She died 11 months ago. What she did or didn't do was her choice and hers alone. I miss her.


ExtremePast t1_j36h9sm wrote

Nice creative writing did you do it yourself or use chatGPT?


kletskopke t1_j36ii8t wrote

I remember you and your initial post about this, OP. My goodness, what a situation you are in. My heart breaks for you.

If anything, the responsibility lies with whatever or whomever made Skyler feel that it was not ok to be gay or bi. He must have been so confused and unaware of who he really was. Insecure probably, to be acting the way he did with his friends. You know how they say ‘you always hurt the ones you love’? You got deeply hurt in his process, but it was not your fault he killed himself. He obviously had a lot of inner turmoil that only got worse because of his own actions. The best thing you can do it try and forgive him. And try to forgive yourself. You didn’t reach out because of the barrier that Skyler put there in the first place.

I wish you inner peace and healing.