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I-Passed6789 t1_j6hsa1p wrote

Looking at the amount of men who cheat on their wives, masturbation is nothing.


FilmAdministrative44 t1_j6htcai wrote

i think o came off on the wrong foot here, im not sayong what he did was a bad thing, god no. What im trying to say is that what he said is a really tiny bit hypocritical.


I-Passed6789 t1_j6hvfli wrote

How is it hypocritical?


FilmAdministrative44 t1_j6hvou7 wrote

because he couldn't entirely contain his intimate desires.


I-Passed6789 t1_j6hwryt wrote

It would make him a hypocrite if he actually started cheating. Masturbating is a sexual act but it is not the same as sex. He wasn't being hypocritical.


FilmAdministrative44 t1_j6i45hf wrote

to compare, what you are saying could be compared to someone who drinks a cup of cocoa despite them being on a pledge on not eating chocolate anymore.