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craz4cats t1_j6hct87 wrote

Probably the most wholesome masturbation story ever


Jakesneed612 t1_j6hakob wrote

You have nothing to make up for. You did tell her and she said once she was comfortable it would resume.


OkVolume1 t1_j6hj4jf wrote

Let's all give this wholesome guy a hand.


Pillens_burknerkorv t1_j6hbsmm wrote

I don’t think I’ve ever jerked off to an image of my SO. Mental picture of course, but never an actual picture.


Kayback2 t1_j6hdk99 wrote

I do all the time. Far more than other porn.

Mostly I use porn as an inspiration for the sort of pics I want to take of my SO.


Kayback2 t1_j6hez2o wrote

Eh, it's not a FU.

It's a bit of a messy situation, but she was the one who stopped the sex, the ball's in her court.

Hurr hurr .

Sure an argument could be made for you looking at porn, but even not then.

You relieved a need, without pressuring her.


Kayback2 t1_j6hfn1i wrote

Eh, it's not a FU.

It's a bit of a messy situation, but she was the one who stopped the sex, the ball's in her court.

Hurr hurr .

Sure an argument could be made for you looking at porn, but even not then.

You relieved a need, without pressuring her.


[deleted] OP t1_j6hm5ev wrote

She stopped for a good reason. I mean you would be uncomfortable too if you are carrying 2 babies inside of you. She is not mad that I masturbated, she was mad that I didn't tell her about my sexual frustration and we always had an agreement that we will tell each other everything.


Kayback2 t1_j6hoamh wrote

Ok that makes more sense.

Yeah I wasn't accusing her of stopping, it's understandable. My wife didn't, we were even using it to try induce labour on one of the time but someone wanting to stop when their body is a mass of hormones, growing aches and after even an easy delivery damage and healing, yeah it's understandable.

I was just saying she put the breaks on it, it's up to her to take them off. You mentioning your frustration could be seen as pressuring her to do something she's not ready to yet.


ImperceptibleFerret t1_j6i3gvc wrote

What do you think you have to make up for? This self flagellation is unhealthy.


[deleted] OP t1_j6i6hdg wrote

You have a wife who is pregnant with twins and dealing with her crazy mother? If not then you wouldn't know how stressful she is right now. Also the reason I think I have to make it upto her because she and I agreed that whenever we feel like we aren't getting enough sex or our communication has a gap or our feelings are changing we would first talk about it without judgements. I know masturbation was not a bad thing. She is not upset about that. She was upset I didn't voice my concern because I was kinda sexually frustrated and didn't talk to her about it. She thought I was looking at another woman and after I explained she did calm down


Xelacik t1_j6iffgg wrote

So she gets pissed when you look at other women??? She thinks you never watch porn?


[deleted] OP t1_j6ihlgi wrote

I actually rarely watch porn. And we both think it is disrespectful to your spouse if they masturbate by looking at the picture of a random man/woman.


maxoys45 t1_j6hwvbr wrote

plot twist: OP was whacking it to porn but knows wife uses reddit.


[deleted] OP t1_j6i5mwn wrote

HAHAHA!! Porn doesn't really excite me that much because I have a wife. She is hot.


FilmAdministrative44 t1_j6hjfjs wrote

"im not a weak man who can't go for a few months without sex."

I'll be honest with you, if you masturbated, this should classify as not having been able to endure it.


I-Passed6789 t1_j6hsa1p wrote

Looking at the amount of men who cheat on their wives, masturbation is nothing.


FilmAdministrative44 t1_j6htcai wrote

i think o came off on the wrong foot here, im not sayong what he did was a bad thing, god no. What im trying to say is that what he said is a really tiny bit hypocritical.


I-Passed6789 t1_j6hvfli wrote

How is it hypocritical?


FilmAdministrative44 t1_j6hvou7 wrote

because he couldn't entirely contain his intimate desires.


I-Passed6789 t1_j6hwryt wrote

It would make him a hypocrite if he actually started cheating. Masturbating is a sexual act but it is not the same as sex. He wasn't being hypocritical.


FilmAdministrative44 t1_j6i45hf wrote

to compare, what you are saying could be compared to someone who drinks a cup of cocoa despite them being on a pledge on not eating chocolate anymore.


ryuzaki003 t1_j6hakwh wrote

And then the child woke up, neighbours came, parents FaceTimed and everyone started clapping.


[deleted] OP t1_j6hc6z4 wrote

Yeah. Even biden came and clapped. He even resigned for me. /s