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shimmy150903 t1_j5nwxad wrote

Okay so I did manage to ask her about it and apologise. We had a 10min back and forth on text and looks like we’re chill.

As for writing on the internet… I didn’t really know what to do in this case because I was scared about ruining the relationship that I have with Emma and it’s not really practical to keep asking Jessie about this


Dry_Possibility_1389 t1_j5nyt7k wrote

What I meant, but worded it badly, is in situations like this it is always best to apologise and speak to the people involved directly instead of going and talking to everyone else and asking the internet. People can't give you the best advice because they don't really know the person, the best way for you to learn is to speak to people yourself and apologise and ask how to make it up to them.

Personally, I feel some things you can turn to the internet for help with but this is one of the times when it's best to clear the air directly and find out where you stand instead of avoiding it.

Happy to hear everything is okay though