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womaneatingsomecake t1_j4fj1gp wrote

Why oh why would you ever take mdma alone?

Rip your marriage.


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4fl8fk wrote


I was going to take it alone anyways since my wife left and couldn't take it with me, sorry im fucking dumb. i didnt even know the dose i should take as well so it was kinda all over before it started.

plan was not to walk into a random bar and pick up the first person i see it was to feel the rush and have fun


CaptainArious t1_j4hao8u wrote

You're pretty irresponsible, and kinda...stupid. like we all make mistakes man, but you need to learn from this. Weed is probably the only drug worth doing recreationally (responsibly ofc)

I made the mistake of abusing marijuana to the point it damaged my relationship, but I learned and bettered. I also abused alcohol in the same way. I'm only saying this so you know Im talking from some experience. I was stupid and irresponsible as well.


snwflkobsidian t1_j4fq79w wrote

There's no way to twist it. You cheated dude. Drugs or not, you made the choice to break your vows with your wife and you deserve to suffer the consequences of your actions. The longer you wait to tell your wife, the worse it'll be, I promise. Call her if you have to, come completely clean or just show her the post because you'll have to start at the beginning of you want her to even attempt to understand it was 100% the drugs.

If it were me, you'd have to give that up and do marriage counseling to even begin to start to rebuild that trust, because she won't trust you at all, probably for a long time.


HalcyonSin t1_j4h799h wrote

I've taken plenty of MDMA and you don't black out. You might get caught up in your own machinations like the beginning, but by the time you came down and offered it to a vulnerable 19 year old inside of your house you knew exactly what you were doing and you had millions of chances to change the outcome. This is gross and creepy.


ElectroStaticSpeaker t1_j4i33bt wrote

>I've taken plenty of MDMA and you don't black out.

Don't be so sure about effects of drugs on everybody due to your personal experiences. I've certainly had blackouts during the course of my life. Chemicals impact people differently very often.


dronzer31 t1_j4k6php wrote

>Don't be so sure about effects of drugs on everybody due to your personal experiences.

Oh boy!!! Truer words haven't been spoken!!!

People keep harping on about how weed helps them relax and calm down. It has the exact opposite effect on me. I break out into cold sweats. I almost panic when I try weed. I've tried it by smoking and through edibles - it's the same effect.

Alcohol, on the other hand, is a pleasing high to me. Never blacked out even after having ungodly amounts of liquor in me. I know it probably means there's something wrong with me. But it is what it is. I can't stand weed and alcohol never fucks me up.


agillenk t1_j4fis2s wrote

God, I knew where this was going a mile away. I hope your wife finds out and leaves you.


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4fixuf wrote

I would never think of doing something like that ever man, its a mistake


agillenk t1_j4fj1o2 wrote

? You chose to take drugs and to have sex with someone else


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4fj5ko wrote

i was not myself, i lost it fully man, it was just something that became out of the situation, im not even into trans women g


womaneatingsomecake t1_j4fjdep wrote

>it was just something that became out of the situation

>i was not myself

"Sentences both my cheating exs told me after they cheated, for 500!"


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4fk336 wrote

ive messed up ill admit that, didnt cheat, and i would never go for someone whos not a cis women


womaneatingsomecake t1_j4fltk2 wrote

>didnt cheat, and i would never go for someone whos not a cis women

You did cheat. You did go for a non cis woman, who was 19. You offered her party drugs.


Sonoshitthereiwas t1_j4grxm2 wrote

So you’re saying you’re okay with cheating as long as it’s a cis woman?


Exotic_Swordfish_845 t1_j4hjefk wrote

Dude we already know you're a shit hole. No need to throw transphobia into the mix too 🤢


SD455TransAm t1_j4ijdhn wrote

Dude is a jackass, but saying you're only attracted to women is now transphobic? C'mon now.


Exotic_Swordfish_845 t1_j4iknmf wrote

No, he can be attracted to whomever! It's not like sleeping with a trans girls is gonna "turn him gay" or some shit. I was just referring to his fixation on the fact that she was trans in the post and comments.


SD455TransAm t1_j4il6xe wrote

It's a pretty important detail to mention, especially when he's married, dont you think?


Exotic_Swordfish_845 t1_j4imn0f wrote

Tbh I feel like the bigger detail is the fact he cheated on his wife??? Who it was with and what her genitalia are seems much less relevant tbh. Although the fact she's just 19 is ick


SD455TransAm t1_j4iqo15 wrote

Please be careful when getting down from that horse of yours. It's awful high.


Call_me_eff t1_j4k1mtj wrote

No, saying it's not cheating because it wasn't a cis woman is


agillenk t1_j4fja2k wrote

It’s your fault that you weren’t yourself. Take some responsibility and tell your wife.


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4fji37 wrote

im going to but the problem is we come from a muslim family, if she tells her family ill lose my own family. im going to tell her but also make an exit plan


33Bees t1_j4iq8cn wrote

Bu-bu-but I'm going to lose my family.

Poor guy. Guess you should've thought about that before you dosed on drugs and ate out a strangers ass while your wife was out of town.

I hope she takes you for everything you've got. You don't deserve it.


Odrizzle6842 t1_j4fk2kq wrote

So obviously you’ve made a huge mistake, but the next wrong move would be to listen to any random Redditor’s advice because they don’t have the same stake or interest in your relationship that you do. Most people on Reddit would like to see someone who cheats or makes a mistake have their entire life ruined as a way to “take responsibility”. Sure you’ll have to tell your wife at some point, but fortunately life is full of possibilities and your relationship doesn’t have to end over some drug fueled infidelity.


womaneatingsomecake t1_j4flilv wrote

Fuck that. If my gf took MDMA and took a young girl to our home, and had sex with her, I'd never want to see my ex again.


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4fkljn wrote

It cant end like this man, ill be finished and alone in this world, all because i took some drug, i did even more than that, shit i would never even imagine doing..


Netzroller t1_j4h9o54 wrote

OMG - stop the wining and take some responsibility for your life and actions, OP!


bubba7557 t1_j4gkhim wrote

Have your wife take Molly and invite your new transgender gf over at the same time. That'll end well


NotNateDawg t1_j4g4fkp wrote

😂 bro bouta ruin his marriage tryna be an honest stand up guy


birdsaredefnotreal t1_j4g6gae wrote

At least some homeless people got frozen food and toothpaste...


djdonknotts t1_j4hc0d2 wrote

Besides the obvious cheating stuff, that’s the part that got me. Wtf is an unhoused person gonna do with frozen food


33Bees t1_j4ipoc8 wrote

An honest stand up guy that got high and fucked someone while his wife was out of town.

slow clap


BreakingBad2014 t1_j4glsrh wrote

You are a certified piece of shit. Hope you don't give your wife an STD.


MajestaHazel t1_j4gnhpq wrote

You don’t black out from MDMA. This story is BS.


OPengiun t1_j4ib1pa wrote

Not to mention this:

> we ended up taking most of the gram that i had

in combination with this:

> This made me rock hard

makes zero sense. No way you can do that much molly and still function normally.

MDMA is worse than cokedick.


WyattDavenport t1_j4fygit wrote

That’s tuff. I’ve never done shit like that on molly tho


OfficerStink t1_j4ggmqi wrote

Yeah I’m having a hard time believe this. I’ve also never rolled in a house alone though so who knows what I’d do without the stimulation of djs and lights


SassyMarmot99 t1_j4h33e1 wrote

Dude you are the worstttt....your poor wife deserves way better and you should feel really bad about what you've done. BECAUSE chances are what you clearly don't regret is going to break her heart the moment she finds out


HeidiinTN t1_j4gypow wrote

You need to tell your wife and get std testing now and 6 months from now. You could have easily gotten aids or hep. Really dumb.


Malfunctioning_npc69 t1_j4grrjq wrote

You're a straight up gargantuan piece of shit. The best part is you trying to be a victim in the comments.


bacontacos420 t1_j4icjvq wrote

This story makes me wish I was illiterate


GunasInFlux t1_j4hgmal wrote

Playing devil’s advocate, mdma certainly can open up doorways that otherwise wouldn’t be open in one’s mind, makes human connection of all types feel incredible, and loosens inhibitions. Speaking like a rational human being though, OP took a drug that he didn’t understand, took it in secret so his wife wouldn’t know, had horribly irresponsible sex, and now believes he’s the victim. OP is an immature, irresponsible, dishonest husband at best and a straight up cheater who thinks he is the victim in a situation where he could’ve made different choices and every turn.


nchantala t1_j4hqa5k wrote

Did you write this while you were still on MDMA?

Holy shit.


soupydrek t1_j4iqu84 wrote

How was the head tho?


Rachymoo t1_j4i2eth wrote

You didn’t take mdma if you were tripping and blacking out. Also, why the fuck would you bring her home? How old are you? You have a wife but you bring home a 19 year old you met at a bar that you were going to give an iPad? You sound like a person who used drugs to have an excuse for shit behavior. I hope your wife finds someone who can treat her with respect.


33Bees t1_j4iodyp wrote

MDMA is great. But high or not, this is awfully gross. You cheated on your wife. Scum.

Do your wife a favor and be honest with her. And please for the love of god, don't have sex with her. You engaged in sex with a complete stranger. You should probably get tested for STDs.


Rcast1293 t1_j4gpm14 wrote

Taking Molly while home sounds like you've never done Molly


SupaTheBaked t1_j4hn640 wrote

Buddy don't blame the MDMA I get fucked up and still have never blacked out like you describe


xXSacred420Xx t1_j4hy9x0 wrote

Kinda a huge leap going from basically nothing more than weed to taking mdma all by yourself with no friends or experienced users to help you through it


Frankie_Wilde t1_j4ivz7c wrote

Damn I've prolly eaten my weight in ecstasy and only ever blacked out while mixing it with other molecules. I've also never ended up with a dick in my mouth. People are wild man. Sounds like you have other things to figure out and can't blame this one on the drugs


fuckimtrash t1_j4j0ffz wrote

Damn, if you know you don’t have the will power to fight a drugs urges you shouldn’t be taking drugs alone. LSD is the strongest drug I’ve taken and I managed to not kms when taking it w alcohol/dirty Molly. Your poor wife


drake22 t1_j4j95jn wrote

It almost sounds like debauchery was the plan all along, and MDMA was just a nice lie to tell themselves.


Infinite_Imagination t1_j4jqi66 wrote

D minus. Only up from an F because it seems like some people bought it


SeniorEscobar t1_j4juva1 wrote

Tell your wife before being any kind of intimate with her. She could die from this.


Ordinance85 t1_j4l6n1g wrote

What a weird reaction on MDMA?

I may or may not have used MDMA/ecstasy/molly several times in the past.... And Ive never had (or my friends) a reaction like this. Ive never felt like Ive needed to go on a mission.

Sounds more like you did meth. Thats the mission kind of drug. Theres tons of videos of people on meth going on crazy missions like repainting their house, building something crazy, things like this.

Definitely meth man.


coffee_snake t1_j4jaqhr wrote

Yeah bad call. Also, you’re gay. Nothing wrong with that, but you should know now in case you didn’t before.


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4fiqc6 wrote

Yeah i also forgot to mention that i have to tell my wife but not sure how or if i ever will


womaneatingsomecake t1_j4fjpwo wrote

>if i ever will

Fucking do it. You treated her bad, at least admit it to her.


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4flefq wrote

That might be right but im also kinda a victim here, she knew i was high on drugs, 100% and still slept with me, i mean jeez if i ever will is right


womaneatingsomecake t1_j4flqa5 wrote

> I ask her if she wants some MDMA, ofc why not she says, and we ended up taking most of the gram that i had, some were left but i couldn't even see so i didnt care.

You offered a 19 year old transgirl drugs, that you know makes people horny, and then had sex with her.


RepresentativeNew718 OP t1_j4fmfnm wrote

i mean she was sober the whole time until we came to my place, its not like i killed her or something, she was fine the whole night. i couldent see because i was seeing everything times 3, i dont think she would follow me for such a long time without wanting to be with me. dont try and twist this to some creepy shit, all consensual, talked about that too


Generic_User_001 t1_j4g495m wrote

Yeah, she WAS sober. Then you offered her drugs and she was no longer sober. So you can't call yourself the victim here.


womaneatingsomecake t1_j4fozfi wrote

Glad to hear. I was just worried about it, as she is very young, and mdma is one helll of a drug.

Still need to tell your wife.


sallycat11 t1_j4k6v9u wrote

You have to tell her. You had unprotected sex with a stranger. If you are sexual with your wife without telling her first, she can't give informed consent