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roxinmyhead t1_j42w9ui wrote

Was a grad student back in the 80s. Drove a big ol 1973 Chevy Monte Carlo. Went to a gathering of dept students by the lake. Locked my keys in the car... fortunately, someone had a wire coat hanger in the back of their car and someone else knew how to use it. So after considerable effort and a few beers, got the door unlocked. A little rattled, I left the gathering a little early and went back to the dept....and after an hour or two I managed to leave my keys on my desk and locked myself out of my office. Sigh.... and of course after calling security from the lab.. was sitting down waiting by the mailroom (where you could see both doors that security might come in)....when all the other students came back from the party..... my otherwise stoic Icelandic officemate never laughed so hard as when he let me in and i called security back to cancel.😳