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Careless-Comedian859 t1_j5ps5a9 wrote

You have nothing to lose by reaching out, and everything to gain. Don't let your fear rule your life.


live_shyne_die_ t1_j5pyhzq wrote

This, you two are still very young but are able to have a mature talk about certain circumstances just as long as you sit down and attack the PROBLEM together and not each other. Try to make a list of things you want to mention so you don’t forget in the moment and regret not bringing them up later


KaitouSP t1_j5q62bw wrote

Please reach out to him and talk to him and explain, maybe even send him this confession and hopefully things will get better with him


Lord_Kano t1_j5q8upg wrote

You are both young. There's a good chance that talking to him might give you a chance to repair your relationship.

The worst case scenario is that you reach out and he says he's not interested anymore. You don't get back together, which is the same result as if you do nothing. Send that man a text or give him a call.


Rcurtis228 t1_j5qfd3o wrote

Just tell him what you told us and if he's the one he will understand


xTFx_xXTriggXx t1_j5qjfmv wrote

As a man who has been in this situation i strongly sugguest you talkto him before it's to late. My now current ex waited almost 6 minths before saying anything to me and by the point I had already attempted to move on. It just further complicated my own relationships as well as my relationship with her. Overall it ended up not being well for either of our mental health. So please if you really care about this man reach out and speak to him. Communication is key in any sort of relationship whether it be friendship or something more. Explained what happened how you felt and maybe if u can identify early signs of it to help him recognize the situation. I 100% would have never moved on if i would have known then what i know now.


austinh1 t1_j5qovka wrote

Bro, go talk to him right nowwwwwwwww.


PsychologicalWin4887 t1_j5qq78c wrote

you’ve got this! if he’s the one, he will understand and will be missin you as much as you are missin him. update us though pleaseeeee


itsallminenow t1_j5qrcon wrote

You have any number of reasons to blame for why you did what you did. You literally have no-one to blame but yourself if you don't reach out and explain to him what was happening to give him the chance to understand and forgive you for what was out of your control. Don't be that person that disappears a whole possibility of their life through anxiety and fear. Grasp that hope that he'll understand and even if he doesn't, it will be because he doesn't want to rather than because he doesn't know.


Falconflyer75 t1_j5qrl2f wrote

If you feel bad about breaking his heart then till him that the pill messed with your head, you never stopped loving him and fix it

Don’t waste time saying you fucked up on Reddit that has zero chance of fixing anything

For crying out loud you actually have a valid excuse and u haven’t used it? If u had said I wanted to shop around then u leave him alone because then it comes off like you’re just settling for him

But if it was just the pill then go for it


Cosmixexe t1_j5qzbti wrote

I have no idea how I would react if my girlfriend did this and it happened to me Id be crushed


Londonforce t1_j5r08c6 wrote

You are about to feel the full weight of the consequences of your actions.


Xyver t1_j5r0m85 wrote

The faster you talk to him the better. Few weeks isn't so bad, but there will be a time where he's totally moved on and your confession will be meaningless. Or worse, it will be meaningful AFTER he's spent his time healing, and you'll break things all over again. Faster is better here


Khombhat t1_j5r7m3c wrote

No relationship can survive an inability to communicate your inner world, your fears, your beliefs, your sorrows and shame. Healthy relationships aren't all about good feelings and fun times. Sometimes, you'll have to share in the slog and the, oftentimes, harsh realities of being human together. Six months is a start, but it is only a beginning, truly. Deep relationships develop over years and living together will reveal everything that was hidden, in time. Even the things you weren't aware of in yourself will eventually start to become highlighted. That kind of relationship takes more than good feelings it takes bravery and humility. If you can't share your inner turmoil and doubt with him in an honest moment, your relationship never stood a chance anyway. Just saying the quiet part out loud.


Spiersy_ t1_j5r8df9 wrote

You made a mistake, something we all do. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, especially since it was medical in nature.

It may not be fixable, relationships are fragile in the beginning, but you'll never know if you just assume and make his decision for him. Reach out and communicate.


DDR4lyf t1_j5r8x9d wrote

Guys understand that the pill can mess with your emotions. Tell him how you really feel and what he means to you. The words you used to describe him here are perfect. He might not want to get back together and just stay friends, but at least this way you'll know for sure. Don't leave it as you'll come to regret not taking the chance later. Good luck 😊


Frus77sh t1_j5rb7ue wrote

I'll be the asshole here and advise against getting back together or trying to. I was in a similar situation where I was broken up with for a minor reason/lapse in mental judgement and I wish we had stayed broken up. Instead, it led to being years of trauma and abuse.

Unfortunately his trust in you is pretty broken now and if you guys get back together he could have the anxiety of, is she gonna break up with me again or will I have to walk on eggshells around her?

Sure it's anecdote and your results will always vary. Rooting for both of you to find peace but I don't think it'll be achieved together.


IanFoxOfficial t1_j5rccls wrote

Reach out to him.

I'm 36 but the most regrets in life are things I haven't done and changes I didn't take. There are no things I've done I have regrets about.


DekaFate t1_j5rcj66 wrote

If you haven’t, go have an earnest talk with him about what you told us