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TheLeftHandedCatcher t1_j6e8ip3 wrote

Well I'm American and I can remember a time when being associated with any self-identified communist organization could have caused you serious trouble. For the last 30 years this has been way less of an issue, unless one assumes that being a communist implies support for the government or policies of the PRC that has become quite the bogeyman as of late.

Interesting though that this group seems to have pro-Russian sympathies. Interesting given that today's Russia isn't really "communist" so I don't know but that would concern me way more than the "communist" aspect, but then I really have no idea what sort of political groups are active at W. European universities (I believe the people involved are uni students) the only such people I know personally are conservative Catholics lol.


arlondiluthel t1_j6ea1n1 wrote

I'm also American, and yes there was a time where being associated with Communists was "problematic", but not strictly illegal. Also, I find it humorous that many Americans seem to equate Communism as anti-democracy, when it's actually anti-Capitalist. Personally, I think that system built to be purely Communist has too many issues, but also a system built to be purely Capitalist has too many issues as well.

I'm personally in favor of the concept of universal basic income. We keep trying to toot our own horn, claiming to be the "best, wealthiest, most powerful nation", when too many people, including war veterans are homeless. There's no logical reason for the US to have a homelessness problem beyond pure greed. Same goes for malnourishment.