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ephikles t1_j5vqoom wrote

Photoshop a red nose on Bambi and tell them you mixed things up and actually it was Rudolph, so Bambi is still alive!


ThereAre24Bees t1_j5weeg5 wrote

This is simultaneously the best and worst idea


ktElwood t1_j5yu2v3 wrote

The worst idea would be to prep that Buck cadaver on wires and move it's carcass in front of the window of the kid's room.

And then get off the roof all bloody and tell them "HAVE YOU SEEN BAMBI? HE IS ALIVE"

But to be honest, the part of my family that is into hunting is teaching their kids from age 0 that meat indeed comes from killing animals.

I am not into hunting..but I once told my fellow 3-5 year olds where the little pigs and cows went, because I new my grampa acutally had a business moving livestock from farmers to the slaughterhouse.

The Truth? Fellow kids couldn't handel the truth.


gray2on t1_j5vzv38 wrote

Holy shit


razldazlbradybazzell t1_j5zui5m wrote

no, it's not. just facts. I can hear the aluminum gates clambering around trying to find open home, as their occupants all stare blankly at nothing.


betterversionn t1_j60tzuu wrote

It’s people like you that make me realize I have no wit. I wish I could be at your level.


ephikles t1_j62fahw wrote

I only have a bright moment now and then, yesterday I happened to be on reddit.