Submitted by [deleted] t3_10eipqr in tifu

(Obligatory, did not happen today.)

Just so you know, I am massive history buff and love watching videos on YT about important events in our past.

I have a female friend who would constantly complain about the cellulite on her body.

As far as I understand, there is very little that can be done about it. I get that it might not be pleasant, and can make people feel insecure, but we all have parts of our bodies we're ashamed of.

But what made it really bad was when she would go on about how other women don't have cellulite, and that she did, and what a cruel world. And after 6 years of hearing this it eventually milked my sympathy gland dry.

I've really tried for years to be empathetic and to make things better, but eventually out of frustration I decided to make things worse.

On the day it happened she's standing in front of the mirror having her usual moan about her cellulite, and then mentions how some other friend (which we will call Sharon), doesn't have any.

So out of frustration I say "Well, Sharon goes to the gym and eats really healthy, maybe you should do the same if you're so concerned about your cellulite".

To which my friend responded indignantly, "You can't fully get rid of cellulite with dieting and working out, you're stuck with it."

I then replied "Funny, because in all the videos I've watched about the liberation of WW2 concentration camps, I never once saw a female survivor with any cellulite. So maybe you're not stuck with it?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew what I said was out of line. My friend stood there with her mouth hanging wide open not saying anything for a few seconds.

She then said "Did you just compare my cellulite problem to the holocaust?".

I then said, like a prick, "Well, am I wrong?"

And we just stayed like that in awkward silence for a few minutes. She then started laughing really hard and said "God, if you were tired of hearing me talk about it, you could've just said! Didn't need to go nuclear."

I was lucky that she knew me well enough to understand the real reason behind what I said, but I still cringe to this day whenever I think of that autistic moment I had.

TL;DR compared my friend's cellulite to the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust because I was tired of hearing about it.



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Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j4rgi4n wrote

Well you’re not wrong…although that did unexpectedly take a dark turn


CookiePush t1_j4r4b0s wrote

So , less cellulite comments to look forward to ... Take the win


Littlemeggie t1_j4r9m46 wrote

The French invented cellulite to sell more beauty products 😅


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j4ss401 wrote

You can compare a lot of things to the Holocaust if you think about it, though I don’t advise it


gottabemaybe t1_j4tbibz wrote

Ironically (and in a meta kind of way) she did the same thing by comparing this situation to Japan's multiple nuclear misfortunes ;)


Allahinme t1_j4u29xb wrote

As a Jew I approve


EffectiveGeneral8425 t1_j4st03n wrote

Im pretty sure noticeable cellulite can go away if you eat healthy and exercise, not so much when you sit down though (and depends on her age). Honestly having no cellulite can be compared to almost all women from the past, so you’re not wrong.