Submitted by Dinobrothers t3_10q6b7f in tifu

TIFU by letting my brother meet my girlfriend.

I'm 28 and my brother is 32, we both look very young tho. Especially me who still gets i.d at gas stations who usually don't give AF. Well anyway, I invited her over and had intentions to be private in my room (we share an apartment.) I didn't tell my brother I was having company and she came by Uber. So he comes busting in the door with his shirt off and looking for his airpods that he let me borrow for work. Before I could even say anything him and her have already introduced themselves and she's just staring at my brother's chest and that shit really struck with me. Because I remember vividly her looking at his chest then up at him and back again and my brothers acting all nice and shit saying he didn't mean to bust in like that and just in my opinion trying to talk to her. Because what's understood doesn't need to be explained you know? Just get your shit and get out. So when he leaves the room she starts asking if the challenger outside was his. Random question that I still don't understand why she would ask that if she knows it's not mine. My brother has always been the typical bad boy pro type, with tattoos, muscle car, juvenile record and a body count only chuck Norris could count. I've always been the nice guy proto type. And my brother already crossed this line with 2! Other women I had in my past. And I told them both how it would end up and it went exactly like that. Because my brother isn't made for love. He just wants sex and I actually wanted more for them. Well now my brother and her are going to the dealership tomorrow for her to get a new car, I'll be at work and I don't feel comfortable anymore because I don't like how she looked at him the way she did. She acted submissive immediately to him like she does her teachers or boss or something and it's pissing me off!!!

TL;DR brother met my girlfriend and now they are going to be together while I'm at work.

Edit: I vow to listen to reddit from now on. Any girl who tells me not to take reddits opinions is just a red flag to me. My brother came back bragging about how he and her were busy In my room while I was at work.



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DoubtfulOptimist t1_j6o3t5p wrote

If I’m reading your post correctly, your brother had sex with two women you were dating. What the hell? If I were you, I’d rethink my relationship with him because that’s a line you just don’t cross. Incredibly disrespectful toward you and a very immature thing to do.


Eraevn t1_j6o9bz7 wrote

Very true, only silver lining there is big bro is weeding out the ones who are easily disloyal, but damn that's not healthy to their relationship, cause even if OP pulls someone who won't give his brother the time of day, that seed of paranoia is already well rooted.


Apprehensive-Nebula t1_j6o67oy wrote

Your brother is a scumbag. You don't need people like that in your life. Cut ties cut your loses and move on. There's plenty of fish in the sea and it really isn't worth trippin over.


McFlyST33ZY t1_j6o5yy3 wrote

drop em both from ya life n keep it pushing big dawg


HugsFromVulcan t1_j6omi5j wrote

I'd have dropped my brother out of my life after the first time. He has no respect for you, or your partner. Get away from him, and if your girlfriend decides to choose him... well, her decision, her fuck up.


Squishy-pants t1_j6o3p1j wrote

I think I would just tell her it's not going to work out and be done with it. You will always be wondering about those two, it's a lot of unnecessary stress.


Mr007McDiddles t1_j6oabaw wrote

Dump her. Move out. It takes two to tango. He's not the only one to blame. Find someone who really cares about you and they'll give two shits about him.


NorthwestPassenger t1_j6opz3c wrote

It’s time to get your own apartment. You need to be able to control if and when you introduce your brother to a GF and you can’t do that when you share an apartment. BTW, after his answer it is clear that he’s going to fuck her so prepare yourself emotionally.


all__my_S0rr0w t1_j6o3246 wrote

Dude, you gotta talk with your brother


Dinobrothers OP t1_j6o362c wrote

Yea, and he says that's between me and her


Meso_Thelioma t1_j6o4ro5 wrote

Ok then your brother is terrible and you should move out. If you truly think he's gunna fuck her while youre gone, you probably shouldnt be around him.


Any-Confusion-4526 t1_j6o63mg wrote

Dude, your brother does not respect you. If he keeps stealing your woman, you should not be having a close relationship with him. You will never be happy in a relationship as long as he is around.


1cebola t1_j6oc7p7 wrote

I would never speak to my brother again if he did that.


AllThePrettyPenguins t1_j6ob969 wrote

Looks like you got two choices: up your game, hit the gym and get a couple of tats or find your own place more than two hours away.

put it plainly, even if you went with option 1 sounds like he will immediately turn it up and be all over you again. Being an inconvenient distance away will mostly limit you danger zone to family gatherings
