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notaliberal2021 t1_j671hux wrote

We've all looked back in our past and see some bad, and sometimes utterly horrifying things we've done.


[deleted] OP t1_j672u24 wrote



Booskop89 t1_j67ke2l wrote

No, you didn't. You made a mistake, realized it and corrected it.
How long ago was it when you were twelve though, last year?


ujustcame t1_j69eykk wrote

This is terrible. Anyone who says that this isn’t that bad is trying to make you feel better. I get it was 7 years ago and you should move on and clearly you aren’t a terrible person now but damn. That’s sexual harassment. You probably traumatized this kid and he will never forget this. Not to mention could have given him some body issues or other mental health problems. Your actions have consequences, taking accountability is the only thing you can really do. But yeah no that broke my heart I can’t believe people would treat their siblings this way at all.


notaliberal2021 t1_j68ct3l wrote

Not bad. In fact, my brother did something just as bad, if not, worse to me when we were younger. Won't post it here in case he browses here. Family don't need to know my name here.


Marrsvolta t1_j67264o wrote

Dude, your mom was still giving you baths at 10?


[deleted] OP t1_j672q82 wrote



Marrsvolta t1_j674hyy wrote

Oh boy, I don't know if I want to go down this rabbit hole.

You do realize most kids start bathing and or showering themselves at like 5-7?


kenzarellazilla t1_j6720rf wrote

Why was she helping a 10 year old bathe? I feel like bathing assistance stops at like 7 or 8, max......


[deleted] OP t1_j672bi8 wrote



kenzarellazilla t1_j672gl2 wrote

If you say so.


[deleted] OP t1_j67375g wrote



kenzarellazilla t1_j674c9r wrote

I mean all moms do the mom thing different. Both my girls had a bath tonight. 2 years old and 8 months old. I only helped the little one. My 2 year old needs help with her hair, but tonight wasn't a hair wash night. She sat in there for 45 minutes playing with toys while I bathed the baby.


witchnyc8537 t1_j68a0nh wrote

It’s so not normal for a parent to bathe their adolescent kid.

I had a relative try it and I (a very compliant non confrontational “good” girl) flipped my shit until they backed off. Nope nope and more nope.

I get why you have boundary issues and you didn’t understand you were violating something big. Look at how your family works.


[deleted] OP t1_j674ycn wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j67612b wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j676d1f wrote



witchnyc8537 t1_j689e7j wrote

Sorta disagree.

OP did FU bad. That picture is forever online and vulnerable and as others have pointed out there’s weirdness to the mom even doing that.

I get you’re saying OP was just a kid who didn’t get all consequences so some forgiveness but hoooooo.