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AwkwardInteraction97 t1_j61udkz wrote

They wouldn't go to prison. Maybe hell, but not prison.


user9372889 t1_j62hozt wrote

I’m sure I’m going to hell for not being as good a person as I could be. I hope there’s a worse place than that for these terrible ppl 😵


Interesting-Month-56 t1_j628zdz wrote

Unfortunately you are right. As OP is 16, he doesn’t have any rights to property or money. His parents sold an asset. Period. End of sentence. They are not guilty of a crime.

It may be that OP could sue them in civil court for misappropriation of assets directed to OP in an inheritance. But probably not.


AbbreviationsAny135 t1_j62m2xq wrote

In case any minors are reading this thread, this is not true (at least in the US). Children absolutely have property rights, do not let your parents steal anything from you such as inheritance, wages, gifts, and personal items. Parents can generally take custody of an item (like taking away a phone because their kid is grounded) but they can't sell it, and they are legally responsible for taking good care of items in their custody.


Eldryanyyy t1_j62n97s wrote

IANAL But, as far as I know, minors do own inheritances AND can not legally agree to contracts or usage for others. I believe the parents are guilty of theft of his inheritance, as OP can’t legally give away the inheritance until he’s 18.


ESGPandepic t1_j62uo6i wrote

So confident and so incorrect... In many countries (including the US) minors can indeed own property and money and their parents don't have the legal right to do whatever they want with it. They may have limited rights to stop the child from using it (banning them from using a computer or car etc.) but they can't steal them and sell them.