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twohedwlf t1_j61td95 wrote

Depending on the laws of wherever you are that could legally be theft and you could report it to the police. It sounds like, however, you DID give it to them. That they sold rather than pawned it doesn't make it theft. It's probably a civil matter and you'd need to take them to your local disputes tribunal/small claims court or similar.


rrickitickitavi t1_j61vvrz wrote

I'm sorry bud, but that collection will never be the same. I think you should look at this experience as buying yourself a guilt free life away from all contact with your parents as soon as you can. They sound irredeemably cruel to me. Never trust them again.


SirPoopsiclesMcGee t1_j61wo19 wrote

Hey little buddy you didn't fuck up at all, you did something you thought was good, and it was good. Your parents took advantage of your innocence, that's the fucked up part, not what you did, I'm sorry bud. I hope you can get the coins back, and if not, I bet those memories will still be there and I wish you great new memories ahead.


Spiersy_ t1_j61z0n8 wrote

Wait, you're not allowed to get a job because they're using your social security checks for themselves? Mate, your parents are absolute wastes of skin, do not listen to a word they have to say anymore.

Get yourself a job and some independence asap. Good luck!


sandeejs t1_j622xdk wrote

Find a safe place to keep the coins you buy back. Dont let your parents know. I'm just about crying for you right now. You deserve so much better.

If you have a social worker or school counselor, you might want to tslk with them. ❤️


alphababble t1_j624t4r wrote

If you still have about $400 in coins left, hide it. Hide it good.


Interesting-Month-56 t1_j628zdz wrote

Unfortunately you are right. As OP is 16, he doesn’t have any rights to property or money. His parents sold an asset. Period. End of sentence. They are not guilty of a crime.

It may be that OP could sue them in civil court for misappropriation of assets directed to OP in an inheritance. But probably not.


ravensept t1_j62g3br wrote

Ill throw my lot on to the other and say that I think going to police at your age is a terrible idea would have no backup and things would escalate in ways that might be troublesome in the long run.


markwell9 t1_j62gs1q wrote

Your only mistake is lack of experience. And that is not really a mistake either. Thing is that blood is not always thicker than water. Family only matters when they treat you with respect. And this is why, even though it may be hard, sometimes you have to cut ties with family as well.

Your parents sound like horrible people. Lying, stealing, taking advantage of those more naive. I would not maintain a relationship with them. People can change, but not by that much.


AioliNo1327 t1_j62h81o wrote

You didn't fuck up man. Your parents fucked up for lying to you. You thought you were helping your family. Get as many coins as you can back and then focus on earning money so you can leave as soon as possible. Good luck.


JustinIsFunny t1_j62hssc wrote

Send me the name of the store and some verification and I’ll pay for all of it to come back to you. Then instead of shoveling for that money, make your best effort to find an older person who doesn’t have a grandson as cool as you and spend some time helping them or just chilling.


AbbreviationsAny135 t1_j62m2xq wrote

In case any minors are reading this thread, this is not true (at least in the US). Children absolutely have property rights, do not let your parents steal anything from you such as inheritance, wages, gifts, and personal items. Parents can generally take custody of an item (like taking away a phone because their kid is grounded) but they can't sell it, and they are legally responsible for taking good care of items in their custody.


DrunkLastKnight t1_j62m8pb wrote

I hate hearing stories of parents taking advantage of their kid like that. My son is on the spectrum and I could never think of doing something like that to him. I wish you the best and hope you can get as much of that collection back as possible.


Eldryanyyy t1_j62n97s wrote

IANAL But, as far as I know, minors do own inheritances AND can not legally agree to contracts or usage for others. I believe the parents are guilty of theft of his inheritance, as OP can’t legally give away the inheritance until he’s 18.


wynr0g t1_j62qye7 wrote

I think your grandpa would be proud of you, keep collecting if you want to and make him even more proud with the new stuff you get. If you get your coins back or not, collecting coins will always be a thing you remember about him and thats the most important part. You will do great.


Muzzareuss t1_j62ulji wrote

It sounds to me like you're a smart, determined and caring man who wanted to help his deadbeat parents and unfortunately got burned from it.

Listen to what others say and realise that this isn't your fuck up, you did a good thing and your parents are the fucked up ones that took advantage of their child and straight up lied to his face.

I saw somewhere you said you can't get a job because they use the money that you get and you wouldn't get it if you had a job but seriously, fuck them...

Use that same determination you have for getting the coins back to make sure you can move out as soon as you are able to, get whatever job you can get and save your ass off... Don't tell your parents how much you earn and don't let them have any of your money. It's not your fault they are in the position they're in and you shouldn't let them fuck up your life because they fucked up their lives.


ESGPandepic t1_j62uo6i wrote

So confident and so incorrect... In many countries (including the US) minors can indeed own property and money and their parents don't have the legal right to do whatever they want with it. They may have limited rights to stop the child from using it (banning them from using a computer or car etc.) but they can't steal them and sell them.


_Dusty_Mustard_ t1_j62vdzi wrote

Sadly there is nothing to ensure parents are good people. It’s luck of the draw and some get good ones, some get bad ones. Just like all people, some are good and some are bad.

I don’t know how you will support yourself or survive without your parents. I do know that you need to figure it out as your parents are not good people and you don’t deserve being treated like that.

To others: What the actual fuck? Steal the coins your son collected with his grandfather? That’s just cruel.


TahoeMoon t1_j6316lr wrote

Please talk to a school counselor, trusted teacher or administrator about this, not only did they steal your property but they are also stealing your social security money. That is fraud and you should be able to get a job if you want to, even if that means getting less money from social security.
You may also contact the Social Security Administration and ask about your rights as a minor and see when you can have the payment for yourself instead of having your parents intercept it.


lpbale0 t1_j63fjby wrote

Post whatever info you get and maybe some other people in this thread can pitch in some.

OP, if you know where they sold them off, try talking to the person that owns the place and see what they can do; maybe they can put them aside and not resell them until you can buy them back, but you never know, maybe they would be inclined to sell them back cheaper or even return them outright.


Cs7348915856 t1_j63txs4 wrote

If you can’t recover the originals, start another collection for you and your eventual kid! Shit happens and it’s unfortunate sometimes!
