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Ek0sh t1_j5p4m6u wrote

Wtf you are saying. When did he lie or manipulate her. When did he tried to convince her she is not lesbian.

He agreed when she said she wanted other girls in the bedroom. He agreed when she fucking said she is gonna start seeing a girl. When he hired the escort, he didnt manipulate or lie, he just showed her the same thing she has been doing to him for a fucking year. And she was suddenly hurt?

This man is not perfect but he did literally nothing wrong for 10 years, that we know of based on this post.


KamikazeCoPilot t1_j5qxvzm wrote

>When did he tried to convince her she is not lesbian?


>From the BF, paragraph 1, sentences 3 and 4:
When we first met she had a girlfriend and she was only with women before. It turns out we had a spark and I was able to talk her into ending it with her girlfriend and start seeing me.

Yes...he convinced her to end it with her, then, girlfriend with the sole intent of getting OP to date him. JS

Other than that, I agree with your assessment.


Ek0sh t1_j5qzci6 wrote

Ah, didnt know talking someone into leaving his partner is the same as talking him into a different sexuality.

See this is the problem. Everything here is carefully worded to pity the woman and judge the man as a monster. But the actions themselves that he did are almost noble.


WailersOnTheMoon t1_j5s0ac0 wrote

Not saying she isn’t a big part of the problem, but you shouldn’t poach a woman from a WLW relationship, who’s only ever been involved with women, and then get upset when she continues to love women. This is why I would advise him, being that he is 38 now, to not mess with women who are a lot younger and often don’t have that figured out. Especially since she was apparently only 18 when they got together…18 year olds don’t know shit, and the sink cost fallacy sets in before they figure it out. So many times I see people of both genders staying in relationships out of comfort or because they don’t want to rock the boat. I don’t think he is a monster at all but there could be an argument made for “idiot.”


HyperRayquaza t1_j5tfu2k wrote

Always the man's fault...


WailersOnTheMoon t1_j5u00nn wrote

Ok, but I literally said she is a big part of the problem. Why do men here think the man can’t ever be part of the problem? I hope you don’t carry that attitude into your real life relationships.
