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Ek0sh t1_j5p5cd9 wrote

So, the man is a horrible person and a psychopath because check notes he fucked a woman after a year of his wife basically being in another sentimental relationship.

The fact that he paid the woman makes stuff SOOOO different.


ilovemybrownies t1_j5paeca wrote

Never said he was a horrible person or psychopath. I said you can't have an honest conversation with someone who can hardly be honest with themselves.


Upstairs_Collar2392 t1_j5pqdpl wrote

You literally say he’s a psychopath in your comment below and the one you deleted lol


ilovemybrownies t1_j5qaooa wrote

I said a comment reads like it was coming from a psychopath. Not that the dude in the story is one. Reading comprehension dude.
