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JustWingIt0707 t1_j4virr9 wrote

You were not the person who fucked up here. You had a knowledge gap.

All you can do is try to calm the dogs down. You shouldn't try to separate them. You could hurt one or both dogs.

If anyone fucked up here, it is the person responsible for your dog not being spayed.


FrivolousGhost1230 t1_j4vj2r1 wrote

she was a pure bred blue heeler and around here they are popular dogs so my dad wanted to breed her


JeffrotheDude t1_j4weiqs wrote

I feel bad for the puppies if this is how your dad already treats the mom


FrivolousGhost1230 t1_j4wlg49 wrote

we have had the same thing happen twice before and took care of the litters


Broodlurker t1_j4wpdv2 wrote

If at first you don't succeed...


FrivolousGhost1230 t1_j4wpmdy wrote

well i mean one was a stray we took in and the other was our dog that found a way out the yard. so not really


ESGPandepic t1_j4wrplg wrote

It happened twice before and your dad still wasn't smart enough to figure out that if he wants to breed her he needs to keep her away from all other dogs (and obviously not out in your yard) when she's in heat?

Having an airsoft gun near the door as a way to stop her getting pregnant is the dumbest, most braindead solution you could possibly have dreamed up. Not to mention it being cruel and having the possibility to hurt your own dog.