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Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6abria wrote

I wish I could remember. All I can tell you is that I was screaming "PUSH PULL PUSH PULL 101010101010" - It sort of felt like the universe was based on the idea of constant push and pull. A self perpetuating cycle of corrections. Too far left and it steers right, then too far right and it steers left. Of course, it was probably all nonsense, but who knows, maybe not.


columbo527 t1_j6actqk wrote

What i choose to take from this is: That there's a giant colony of ants located in the earths core locked in a perpetual battle of tug of war which is keeping the earth from falling out of orbit and crashing into the sun.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6ae0ip wrote

Could be. I was thinking more like everything in the universe is the ants locked in a battle of tug of war with itself which keeps the multiverse from falling out of existence


Philodendronphan t1_j6bf1hc wrote

I read an article the other day about how the core of the earth is starting to change the direction of its rotation, so it’s kind of the same.


MrJusticle t1_j6bmj4p wrote

Oh shit, same! First time I smoked weed I had a mental breakdown about how everything in the universe is as simple as 1 and 0. On and off. Good and bad. Binary completeness. Action/reaction. And existence is the side effect of the energy it takes for the 1s and 0s ultimately balance out. Absolute 0 and/or Absolute 1. I've never been that high again, no matter how much I've smoked since. Never done acid though, seems like I'd likely get that same realization.


scrubZ0 t1_j6gjj56 wrote

Holy shit I literally just wrote a comment and mentioned how I wrote down something like "life is a 360° tug of war". Not sure if this is what you meant, but to me it meant that everything you do has positives and negatives. If you go one direction you're further away from another direction. To excel in one thing you have to sacrifice in another. Not really sure what I meant but its probably a combination of the things I just listed, hahah