Submitted by jus-de-pomme t3_10kuba4 in tifu

UPDATE** Was able to dispute this as fraud, hooray!!!

Hello all, as someone who isn’t very financially comfortable, I am in utter distress. Earlier I was trying to book a flight with Hawaiian airlines and everything went through.. except it didn’t. My money was taken from me but there was a problem with issuing me my tickets. They gave me a phone number to call and I thought it would be an easy fix. I called them, to which they claimed I had a duplicate reservation which was the main problem. Idk how that happened but I was confidently told that they would take care of it. They gave me a confirmation code to use to check my flight and when I used it, I thought it was strange that it brought me right back to the review and purchase page. I told them I already paid for my tickets but they told me I would have to re-purchase them and that I would be getting an “immediate” call from their supervisor to process my refund. I stupidly listened to them and spent another $500, everything looked good this time around except I never received a confirmation email. Hours later I’m still waiting on a supposed call from a supervisor AND a confirmation email, so I call them up and tell them what’s going on. This time the lady who was on call with me assured me that a supervisor would be contacting me as soon as our call ends. Once again I stupidly hang up and yeah, the call never happens. I call them back, at this point I’m tired and stressed out and I just want my money back, except now they’re saying that because my flight is unconfirmed I didn’t pay even though my bank account says otherwise.

So here I am, down 1k with no flight booked, that airline probably had no intention on giving me a refund from the very start. I’m calling my bank tomorrow and I hope I can recover my lost funds, but for now I just wanted a place to rant/vent.

TLDR; spent $500 twice on a flight only for both of them not to go through, my money was already taken from me, airline is claiming i did not pay and lied about giving me a refund



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misanthrope2327 t1_j5su5n7 wrote

It's times like these I think of Hanlon's razor:  "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

If the money is gone from your account, the bank will be able to tell. Frustrating as hell, but odds are it'll work out, if not, don't be quiet. Make noise, go public etc


jus-de-pomme OP t1_j5suiux wrote

That’s actually reassuring to hear, this is my first time dealing with something like this so I’m kinda scared that my bank won’t be able to help me either. I don’t know why they wouldn’t be able to, but it’s just a fear I have 😅


Bigdaddylovesfatties t1_j5sufqr wrote

I had something similar happen to me with Delta. They claimed they didn't receive the money and its just an authorization hold but the bank showed they had yanked it No ticket no money but a few days later it came back. I was pissed.


jus-de-pomme OP t1_j5sun35 wrote

Currently pissed right now! Did you contact your bank about it at all?


vtupscalecpl t1_j5tia5x wrote

This happened to me back in September. You have to keep disputing the charge. Eventually you will get it sorted out.


lollipopfiend123 t1_j5t6xbj wrote

Is it possible that there’s currently only an authorization but not a finalized charge? I once thought a company double charged me because at first, the money was subtracted twice. But once the transaction was finalized, there was only one charge. Turns out the bank had some sort of temporary display glitch that caused all the pending transactions to show up twice.


jus-de-pomme OP t1_j5t7nhy wrote

It’s just a very weird situation, I went through the payment part twice except the second time I didn’t receive any sort of confirmation email. The airline people kept saying my flight is unconfirmed so to confirm it I would have to pay again. It’d be fine if my booking actually went through, but the fact that that’s not happening makes this situation all the more worse.