Submitted by Aggravating_Island37 t3_10oddts in tifu

This is an actively ongoing TIFU. I'm not gonna be vulgar, but I will be frank about the human body be warned.

To set the scene a little, I had my first and only other kidney stone about a decade back. Woke up that day and was just very unsure what was wrong with my body but knew I was in pain and had to but couldn't pee. After a few hours I went to the hospital, they did their thing and sent me home.

For a long time I was much better about drinking water. I'd drink a little of cranberry juice (like the real stuff not cocktail) and even developed a bit of a taste for it. Time went on, and the pain and horror from that day faded from my mind. Its really the last 6 months or so that I've stopped drinking a glass of cranberry a day to appease my anxiety and vague fear.

About a week ago, I started thinking about it again. Like the thought has crossed my mind 1-3 times a day. Not obsessive, just "wow it would really suck if that happened" in a weird remember-y way and moving on after I tell myself how much healthier my fluid intake is than it used to be.

So I hope you can all appreciate this cruel cosmic joke with me, as I sit here waiting to pass a stone. I'm 99.5% sure it's a kidney stone even though things played out different today. I usually pee first thing when I wake up, and this morning I didn't have to. Went about my day until I was hit really hard with the urge to pee. Except I didn't have a lot, which I didn't think about as I reflexively flushed before I finished.

Then things started to register, "wait that colors not right", and "okay that actually hurts" or "hold up is that blood?" "Fuck I've gotta pee again". That was about 20 minutes ago. I haven't been able to get more than a few drops at a time. Definitely have (a small amount of) blood coming out.

My therapist is gonna hate it when I tell her my anxiety was right. I don't know why this is so funny to me but I think it's just how I'm coping. I really need to pee.

Tl;Dr started having random anxious thoughts about getting a kidney stone at some point in the last few days. I ignored that fear, and now I'm trying to pass a stone. Idk what listening to that fear would have fixed but there's a weird irony to it I can't seem to get past.

Send help



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Set_the_Mighty t1_j6dwz73 wrote

A friend thought he had a kidney stone and it turned out to be a massive bladder infection that almost killed him. He kept trying to tough it out thinking it was a stone that would pass. Eventually a coworker of his forced him to go to the hospital. Be sure you have a stone and not an infection.


Aggravating_Island37 OP t1_j6dxlz3 wrote

Horrifying, thank you for that.

I haven't ruled out hospital, just don't think I'm there yet. Having a hard time justifying what is sure to be 15k+ I can't afford. Hell I've been unemployed for 2 months and I'm supposed to start a job tomorrow.

Hospital isn't ideal, but I'm not dumb enough to not go.


Original_Profile8600 t1_j6f4iz1 wrote

Go somewhere man, if Hospital isn’t in your budget go to urgent care or even your normal doctor. With a hospital you pay for convenience, a doctor shouldn’t be too expensive and hopefully he or she can tell you something that alleviates/rightfully raises your concerns


SomethingRandomYT t1_j6frv5d wrote

I've been going through something similar thinking it's a stone, straight to the doctors for me now that I know this. Thank you so much for posting this comment.


ThePtape t1_j6dyhxb wrote

I've had dozens of stones over the last 15 yrs and I can recommend a few things that have helped me that may help you hopefully.

Obv sip water as much as possible.

Apple cider vinegar(with the mother) and real cran juice...lime cuts the cran and you can dilute both as much as you want.

Ibuprofen is your friend, booze is not.

Everyone eventually finds other things that may help but the doctors/specialists(urology) are 90% guessing as to what causes some of them and they will pretty much tell you to cut things from your diet or drink more water which if you're like me you've already went down the dark hole of the interwebs for this info.

Good luck


NeedsMaintenance_ t1_j6iwah0 wrote

Morphine is the real friend; ibuprofen didn't do shit the last time I had a stone.


terencela t1_j6fhihu wrote

That sounds more like a UTI than a kidney stone. Both are rough, hope you heal up soon!