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squeevey t1_j9mi1cz wrote

> When the price of castor oil increased in the latter portion of the 1920s, Harry Gross, president of Hub Products Corporation, sought an alternative additive for his Jamaica ginger formula. He discarded ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol as being too volatile, eventually selecting a mixture containing triorthocresyl phosphate (TOCP), a plasticizer used in lacquers and paint finishing. Gross was advised by the manufacturer of the mixture, Celluloid Corporation, that it was non-toxic.[3][6]

> TOCP was originally thought to be non-toxic; however, it was later determined to be a neurotoxin that causes axonal damage to the nerve cells in the nervous system of human beings, especially those located in the spinal cord. The resulting type of paralysis is now referred to as organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy, or OPIDN.[7]


RabidMortal t1_j9mibmr wrote

>To make their products more palatable, manufacturers of Jamaica ginger began to illegally replace the ginger oleoresin with cheaper ingredients like molasses, glycerin, and castor oil, cutting costs and significantly diminishing the unpleasant ginger flavor.

>When the price of castor oil increased in the latter portion of the 1920s, Harry Gross, president of Hub Products Corporation, sought an alternative additive for his Jamaica ginger formula. He discarded ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol as being too volatile, eventually selecting a mixture containing triorthocresyl phosphate (TOCP), a plasticizer used in lacquers and paint finishing.


>TOCP was originally thought to be non-toxic; however, it was later determined to be a neurotoxin that causes axonal damage to the nerve cells in the nervous system of human beings, especially those located in the spinal cord.


>TOCP-adulterated Jake was identified as the cause of the paralysis,[10] and the contaminated Jake was recovered. But by that time, it was too late for many victims. Some did recover full, or partial, use of their limbs. But for most, the loss was permanent.

Nothing could go wrong using a lacquer plasticizer , right?


[deleted] t1_j9mjahf wrote



Greene_Mr t1_j9nzv9i wrote

Note: Please do not insert yeast + sugar + water into douche bag. ESPECIALLY do not insert douche nozzle of said douche bag into private area.


Von_Cheesebiscuit t1_j9o78e0 wrote

You say that like illegal alcohol operations weren't in full swing during prohibition. Sure, shitty stuff like this went on too, but there were plenty of folks making alcohol too.


opiate_lifer t1_j9mjhxv wrote

Bay rum was also used, its basically ethanol bay leaf oil which is slightly toxic to your kidneys.


FemmandelionII t1_j9mmvmq wrote

I learned of this from reading Water for Elephants


snazzynewshoes t1_j9n125u wrote

That's a different story than I heard. Ya got the 'Jake leg' from drinking the 1st bit of a moon-shine run. Something about it being a different kinda alcohol that was toxic.

I don't know. There's something to be said for licensed and bonded...damn taxes....


PM_ME_YOUR_FERNET t1_j9n85w2 wrote

The first bit that comes off the still is high in several nasty compounds, notably acetone and methanol. It's fucking nasty.


opiate_lifer t1_j9nebcz wrote

The human body can handle acetone, its produced in small amounts during normal metabolic processes.

Methanol however can blind or kill you in only ml amounts.


Salmol1na t1_j9o2nkq wrote

Gregory Jacobs is the last surviving grandson of Jake Leg-ridden William Jacobs. The Junior Jacobs account of his grandfather’s long-term consumption of Ginger Jake was stated in 1984’s January edition of Rolling Stone magazine went like this: “First I limp to the side like my leg was broken Shaking and twitching kinda like I was smoking Crazy wack funky People say 'ya look like M.C. Hammer on crack, Humpty' That's all right cause my body's in motion It's supposed to look like a fit or a convulsion Anyone can play this game This is my dance, y'all, Humpty Hump's my name No two people will do it the same Ya got it down when ya appear to be in pain Humping, funking, jumping Jig around, shaking ya rump And when a doo-doo chump punk points a finger like a stump Tell him step off, I'm doing the Hump”


SuperGuitar t1_j9mcl5k wrote

Jamaican Ginger Cake (Open All Hours)


Fludro t1_j9tb9pz wrote

In Scotland we use the word "Jakey" to refer to drunken alcoholics and junkies. I wonder if it's related?


daveashaw t1_j9qvxvs wrote

Really great article on this in the New Yorker, quite a few years ago. There was also an episode of the 50s crime drama "The Untouchables" covering the topic.


[deleted] t1_j9mqzv8 wrote

Alcohol, Alcohol…crying sure lord killin me. Alcohol, mama mama crying sure lord is killin’ me

Alcohol and Jake Blues - Tommy Johnson