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MyLinkedOut t1_j86kfe5 wrote

That reminds me of the dipshits who will sit for hours in a line during a gas promotion to save 25 cents a gallon. At most they were saving like $10-15 dollars in total.

My time is worth a lot more than that. Can't fix stupid..


ffnnhhw t1_j873lxq wrote

that's just costco gas station


purpleelpehant t1_j87p1cn wrote

Holy frick what a mess that is. People are so aggressive and so angry.


Duckbilling t1_j8amkpi wrote

Hi there!

I think you meant to say ##FUCK

Herp derp


Poopoo_check t1_j87cf1k wrote

While Idling their cars, most likely wasting just as much worth of gas as they saved


TooMad t1_j8711ob wrote

But you can tie them up in traffic for hours.


yoghurt_cap t1_j87b8ti wrote

That's exactly why I bought a plug in hybrid. You can't fix other people's stupid, but at least I can fix my own. $1 a 'gallon' and I never have to stop at a gas station except for road trips.


JNez123 t1_j86lvl8 wrote

Dancing Salmon was my stage name.


_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j86vt9n wrote

Did the restaurant continue to honor this though?


epochpenors t1_j871xda wrote

There was a pizza place near me that offered free slices for life if you got their logo visibly tattooed on yourself. People did it, then it immediately went out of business.


DapprDanMan t1_j87e6k7 wrote

Maybe the pizza place was just a front for the tattoo parlor


Darkkingswrath t1_j87z8w5 wrote

Domino’s in Russia did a similar thing. Get the logo tattooed and you'd get 100 pizzas a year for 100 years.


GrandmaPoses t1_j88tg8k wrote

Which led directly to the invasion of Ukraine for their strategic mozzarella reserves.


420everytime t1_j87yt82 wrote

Was it unlimited slices per visit for life or like one slice a week for life with the purchase of a drink


Mysticpoisen t1_j89lb78 wrote

I miss the old "eat this XXXL pizza and get 50% off pizza for life" promotions.


NoBigDill88 t1_j8c59wg wrote

I don't know why businesses do stupid promos like this, if I saw someone with a tattoo of a restaurant, I'd think the place was a trashy spot for crackheads.


Future_Green_7222 t1_j87ggnp wrote

The article says that it was a 2-day promotion. So I’m pretty sure they did, for those two days


flippythemaster t1_j87ka6u wrote

When I was living in Japan I would always get the salmon with mayonnaise and onion slices. It’s such a flavor bomb, I don’t know why we don’t have them in the States. It seems like the most American thing you can think of, yet startlingly they’re nowhere to be found. Anyways this is my way of saying that I would name myself Salmon Mayonnaise if I were to participate in the salmon chaos


OldMork t1_j87wh2k wrote

yes salmon/mayo is fantastic, but its easy to make at home, just need the japan/korea style mayo.


flippythemaster t1_j8c40ms wrote

I’d also need sushi grade salmon and knowledge of how to best prepare it.


_BMS t1_j8ddddx wrote

Is it going on the pizza raw? Otherwise I imagine any salmon you get at the market would be good enough for it


flippythemaster t1_j8ddkak wrote

Sorry, you lost me. Where did the pizza come from? The article is about a sushi restaurant.


PALOmino1701 t1_j86z72p wrote

Naming my next rock band Salmon Chaos.


Norwegian__Blue t1_j8a3amg wrote

We’re throat singers doing metal covers and water themed dance mashups.


R1150gsguy t1_j88onkf wrote

If you voluntarily legally change your name for a retail promotion you are an idiot and get what you deserve


OldMork t1_j87wlbo wrote

I would have condition that they must have this name BEFORE campaign begins, for obvious reasons.


squirrelmonkie t1_j87oo8g wrote

So this was some of these people's 3rd name change? What other food promotion name changes were they involved in? I'm guessing bubble tea but hoping someone could squeeze intestine and oyster vermicelli in there somewhere


MamboCircus t1_j88j2jw wrote

Ella Salmons : It's free real estate...


Muscled_Manatee t1_j890jf0 wrote

I tried this, but being very white and not understanding the language, my name is now Fishy Smell.


Haunting-Ad9521 t1_j87fru4 wrote

Salmon Dream, because she said it smells fishy and he’s just flopping in the bed.