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TheDetectiveConan t1_j9xnsfx wrote

Paying people to perform work as an excuse to pay them without them feeling like failures is the exact opposite of hording wealth.


MarioInOntario t1_j9xpxry wrote

Yea and lets not forget this was during the 1800s. If you were an average working class person in Britain, the alternatives were literally dying of starvation or indentured servitude.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j9yrnud wrote

What about paying them to avoid them storming your home and killing you for exploiting them?


[deleted] t1_j9ytick wrote



PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j9yv7qz wrote

Wow. That is an incredibly privileged and mentally unhealthy viewpoint.

You really don’t think crowds of starving peasants would want to kill the wealthy eating steak?
