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RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j8a3b3j wrote

They don't know. But it's embarrassing to not know, so they just go with the popular theory. It keeps the grants coming in. They shouldn't be embarrassed, because it's impossible to know with any certainty what happened 54 million years ago.


No_Flounder_9859 t1_j8a4fl1 wrote

I think you are dumb.


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j8a4qz4 wrote



alcapwnage0007 t1_j8a59va wrote

And as a peer, I have reviewed their findings and come to the same conclusion.


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j8a5pin wrote

The thing you don't seem to understand is that we're not talking about my intelligence, but of the intelligence of so-called "scientists" who advocate such a ridiculous "science" as evolution. Not to mention the intelligence (or lack thereof) of their followers.


dontyousquidward t1_j8aa5u9 wrote

you can go to Chicago or NYC museums and see bones of animals that resemble and pre-date modern animals. if not for evolution, why are there sloth and armadillo bones the size of a Volkswagen? they just... got smaller. but that's not evolving I guess


No_Flounder_9859 t1_j8aeqty wrote

This man is the reason that legal writing has to be done at an eighth grade level


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j8aje7b wrote

Legal writing is very complicated. I should know, being a retired attorney.


[deleted] t1_j8c4oai wrote

Ah so you’re old and senile, that explains a lot


alcapwnage0007 t1_j8ahzum wrote

If you can posit an actual explanation besides evolution on your own using science and evidence, I'll read it.

And I'll give you bonus points if you do it without saying God did it


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j8ajbev wrote

I can't. Because it's impossible to know with certainty. I admit I don't know, and don't make up fake crap about it.


Lileowastaken t1_j8ald2d wrote

It's impossible to know anything with certainty. Therefore you might as well not exist at all to me.


alcapwnage0007 t1_j8amv1r wrote

I give you points for honesty. However, I think it's worth giving weight to the general agreement of so many scientists. You admit you don't know, and that's okay. You didn't focus your life on that. But some people have.

You say you are or were an attorney, so you understand records, surely? Documentation? Historians work with records and context to fill in where records fail. Detectives and crime scene investigators do the same.

Archeologists do the same on a much larger time table. We don't know the exact time and date that things happened, we know they happened a long time ago. We can estimate how old dirt is. We can use that to guess when this water horse lived and died. We see that the fossilized water horse was NOT the same creature as the ones we have, but that the creatures have similarities. We can look at how the bones of a whale match the bones of a horse with some modification. We can see the same sort of bone shape changing in different breeds of dog.

I will say this: I offer my apologies for calling you dumb.

I will ask: simply consider?


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j8anho5 wrote

You know, one simple word would resolve this whole controversy with me and I would shut my mouth. That word is "theory". When scientists dropped that word when speaking of evolution, they lost my respect as fact-based scientists.


alcapwnage0007 t1_j8ar9sz wrote

I'd argue that it is at least partially proven, but I will cede that it is technically still theory.


Totalherenow t1_j8bpiix wrote

The creationist you're discussing with doesn't understand what a theory is in science. It's a confirmed scientific model, confirmed by hypothesis testing. He thinks that his ignorance somehow constitutes an argument, but all it does is tell us how uneducated he is.


Jamie___May t1_j8lr5bz wrote

How do you feel about the theories regarding gravity?


oceanduciel t1_j8ejla2 wrote

Ron Swanson would be disappointed in your denial of reality.