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Gilamath t1_j9bv2q8 wrote

Muhammad probably liked all animals, including dogs. His sons — who died in childhood, God give them and their father peace — had a dog, and there’s a well-known tradition (Arabic: “Hadith”) in which Muhammad related to his companions that among the people destined for heaven was a sex worker who saw a street dog in dire need of water so she went to a nearby well and scooped out some water in her shoe and gave water to the dog

It’s a low-key radical story, because there’s no mention of whether this woman was a monotheist or a polytheist, or an atheist, what she thought of Islam, or really anything about her at all. All we know is that she was kind to a creature whom the whole world had basically abandoned, and she’s going to heaven. Man, I don’t even know if I’m going to heaven, but she is. Hell of a role model, imo

Fund your local animal shelters, neuter/spay your pets, and TNR stray cats!