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Hattix t1_ja00rcq wrote

Brain size is a really misleading metric unless you're just discussing mammals. Mammals have very highly innervated bodies and spend a massive pile of brain power on mere housekeeping.

Non-synapsid animals don't do this, it's synapsid only, and probably diagnostic of them. Without that massive brain being wasted on trivial menialities, other animals can do more with less. This is why bees can do good pattern recognition, crows can solve puzzles, crocodiles can count, and dragonflies can accurately intercept almost anything that flies.


kurburux t1_ja2v4hx wrote

And bumblebees like to play with toys.

>Additionally, when bees “play,” it may also mean that they can experience feelings, too.

>“It goes to show, once more, that despite their little size and tiny brains, they are more than small robotic beings,” Samadi Galpayage, a Ph.D. student in the study, said in a statement to the university. “They may actually experience some kind of positive emotional states, even if rudimentary, like other larger fluffy, or not so fluffy, animals do. This sort of finding has implications to our understanding of sentience and welfare of insects and will, hopefully, encourage us to respect and protect life on Earth ever more.”


[deleted] t1_ja0623f wrote



Hattix t1_ja073yv wrote

Bees use visual cues to recognise flowers. They can also see polarised light and use that to navigate.


MrMitchWeaver t1_ja1peac wrote

I'm wondering if the pictures were similar enough that the only way to tell them apart was by recognizing the face.


dark_LUEshi t1_ja07uhy wrote

no doubt but I don't get how bees can recognize people when I have issues lol. Would make much more sense that they rely on olfactive cues, like other social insects, ants. I bet giant apes are quite smelly.


KingfisherDays t1_ja0brxg wrote

I'm not sure how applying your personal experience with faces (which is quite unusual for humans, who are great at recognizing faces) makes sense when we're talking about bees.

Also, the studies used pictures of faces and stylized faces, so no actual humans were being recognized - or smelled.


dark_LUEshi t1_ja0d0pc wrote

damn, I should have read the whole thing, the study was properly made then, sometimes it's just bad science that can be explained otherwise but in this case... I don't feel bad if i'm wrong, I've often read that bees can use visual cues to identify flowers so no doubt there's some truth there. I shouldn't have assumed they used people.

I guess they see us as giant flowers and can quickly learn which "flowers" are good. they can probably share that info amongst the colony as well. Fascinating how simple mechanisms can evolve and become so resilient. Probably a lot to learn from social insects if we want to make better electronics down the path.


I-do-the-art t1_ja26jhe wrote

Bruh, if a bee was 30cm (12inchs) away from you face it’d be able to see freckles on your face that you can’t even see because their vision is optimized to see in the UV spectrum. Not only that but they are able to recognize more objects at once than a human can so those freckles could easily paint a unique enough picture for them to recognize it visually.

Copy/Paste from somewhere else

“The multi-faceted eyes of honeybees consist of up to 8000 individual eyes, the so-called «ommatidia». Although the bees have a large field of vision, they are short-sighted and can only see sharply in the centimeter range. A human can distinguish two points at a distance of 18 m as separated, while a bee can do this at only 30 cm. In contrast, bees have a much better temporal resolution. Bees are able to resolve up to 200 images per second, while humans can only perceive 20 images per second. This high resolution gives bees a quick reaction time and is also important for the estimation of distances (see below under orientation).”

I think you’re the one being dumb here homie


Admetus t1_ja2nrz9 wrote

The don't recognise faces, they recognise the patterns that make up those faces.


marmorset t1_j9zmme5 wrote

And yet my pet poppy seed still doesn't recognize his own face, he continues to glare the poppy seed in the mirror.


tejota t1_j9zq0oe wrote

Their brains have to recognize flowers so it makes sense


j1o0s5h4 t1_ja0j93f wrote

All I'm hearing is trained attack bees are now a very real possibility


Rosebunse t1_ja0ynq8 wrote

This makes me think of all those videos online of people who keep "pet" bees. I thought most of them were silly, but what if the bee really did just decide that it wanted to stay with this person from now on?


monkeypox_69 t1_j9zogjz wrote

We all look the same in beekeeper outfits.


MiyamotoKnows t1_ja08x6x wrote

You ever tried a bee brain bagel? They're beelicious!


No-Owl9201 t1_ja03z7j wrote

Bees are indeed the bee's knees!


Fetlocks_Glistening t1_ja01sm9 wrote

There I am, brain the size of a planet, and you ask me to pick out faces?


Bubbagumpredditor t1_ja06dvx wrote

God-damnit. I can't even do that. /R/Prosopagnosia says hi


HeyZeusQuintana t1_ja08bp8 wrote

But can they be trained to sort tiny screws in space?


KaiserSozes-brother t1_ja0uskg wrote

Bees “know” there keeper as well.

When I was a boy we had hives on the field road near the alfalfa fields. It was common to walk the path to the point I didn’t think twice about the bees. I had a friend visit, and the bees didn’t like him for some reason and it was messy. I told him to calm down, but it didn’t work. I learned to give a wide brerth from that point forward it the bees didn’t know my guest.


hustlegurrl t1_ja1w9zw wrote

Bees me getting us to our knees


dark_LUEshi t1_ja05z2c wrote

or perhaps bees can recognize peoples smell since theyre insects and probably communicate not only by dancing but also by smells. I'm not sure why they didn't go for that hypothesis first.


daviEnnis t1_ja0nvfh wrote

Because they're test method eliminated the possibility of scent screwing with their result.